New Year’s Resolutions

New Year resolutions are a New Year trend. Who doesn’t make New Year resolutions? Everybody makes New Year resolutions but few keep them. Here are some New Year resolutions which might just be easier to keep since they relate to our everyday life’s to-do list:
New Year resolution 1: De-clutter your life; get rid of junk accumulating around you, on your desk, on your coffee table etc. Toss away those silly blings blings you never got to used even if you think there are a hundred uses for them. You haven’t used them till now, and you won’t ever probably. Don’t give yourself excuses for not cleaning up, just do it!
New Year resolution 2: Get rid of things you need to stop wasting valuable time on. Do it now! Do it without thinking. Magazines you have never read unsubscribe now. They are costing you money and reaping no benefits at all. Anything that is not adding any value to you as a person has no right to be part of your life.
New Year resolution 3: Upgrade. Gadgets that need to be upgraded don’t put it off any further. You need to upgrade your closet according to latest styles and trends then do it. If you don’t upgrade soon than chances are you will be paying far higher price soon.
New Year resolution 4: Keep a back up of all important documentation. Your identification papers, your academic records, your reference letters, your bank statements make sure you know where they are. You can need them any time, and with them missing your new year can go sour in lots of ways.
New Year resolution 5: Do something special for someone else other than you. go out of your way and be a humanitarian. Pick one kind act and try doing it often. We all talk about kindness but we often forget to practice it as often.