New Year parties, celebrations and resolutions begin here.

New Year’s Parties can really make or break the way you enter into a new year. Some of us like to bring in the New Year celebrations with a bang! New Years parties can be great or terrible. At some point I believe a New Year’s party always takes on both personas.
The key to a great New Years Party is making sure your friends and loved ones are with you, because without them, what’s the point? In celebration I started the beginning of 2010 with my close friends and for me it made the New Year celebrations so enjoyable! The countdown began as everyone gathered together armed with some of the largest party poppers I’ve ever seen.
Three, two, one …. The jubilation in everyone’s voices were heard as they screamed out ‘Happy New Year’, along with the fifty large poppers going off and spreading glitter and gold in the air and in all of our hair!
So the New Year celebrations come to a close and as a new year’s resolution, wouldn’t it be great to just keep:
‘Sort out my life this year’!
That would just put everything into this little brain bubble for more thought. Heart felt, selfless New Year’s resolutions are a must! Why do we have to narrow it down to one resolution? We don’t but we should carry them out before the year ends. Keep a list of 10 New Year’s resolutions and make sure that one by one you complete them. You’ll feel the achievement of this as the next New Year begins. Stuck for resolutions? I have a few suggestions for you to get started:
1. Live and Let Live- Such an age old saying but one that we should put into practice.
2. Help in a charitable way, whether that means giving a donation or dedicating days in this New Year to helping those less fortunate than you.
3. Set professional or personal goals and try your best to achieve them before the next New Year
4 If holiday weight is something you are battling then start the New Year as you mean to go on. Diet and exercise like you mean it!
5 Pick your top destinations and try and visit at least one of them! Or close your eyes and point to a globe. Wherever your finger lands, visit that destination.
6. Make yourself do that one thing you have always wanted to do. It’s a New Year, so if you want to ice skate or cook a different dessert every day of the New Year, then do it!
7. Be adventurous. Pick one activity; paragliding or white water rafting etc and make it happen! A new year and a new you!
8. Any bad habits? We all have some. Vow to give one up.
9. As simple as it sounds – tell and show those you love just how much you love them.
10. Make a pact with yourself to let go of the past, today is a new year and tomorrow is a new day.