Top 10 Ways To Spice Up A Relationship

It might take you years to understand a woman, and the next day you will find yourself saying “what can I do to make you happy?”
Well, don’t fret. I know, it is easier said than done, but here are some smart ways to spice up your relationship:
1. Open up:
This might sound like risky, but it is worth the effort. Usually it is the women who love to talk but if you want to keep things smooth, you have to open up. Let your partner know about what you like, what you dream about, what you expect, and everything under the sun. Speaking your heart and mind out to her will make it easier for you two to understand each other. Also discover the hidden core of your partner. This is a natural way to bring about consideration and avoiding the misunderstanding that make their way into the relationships.
2. Try something new:Monotony can kill your relationship and make you two get a feeling of day-in-day-out, so break the monotony and try out something new. New experiences are sure to bring vigor into a dying daily routine.
3. Make a picture collage:If you think that memories and important milestones of your relationship are just passing by while you are not able to make full of them, capture them with a click. Make a picture collage and let her know that you cherish these moments and she is sure to appreciate it.
4. Appreciate her:Many relationships lose their fizzle because the partners feel unappreciated. Everyone today seems to think that he or she contributes a lot to the relationship but the other half does not seem to be pleased about it. So, take the first step and appreciate the good things about her; not just one day, but at least once a week, be grateful for the sweet things and both of you will feel better.
5. Get out and get lost:Like stated earlier, monotony can be dangerous and if you think things are getting stagnant, you really need to spice up. Dine out, visit some place together, go shopping or just relax in some soothing natural environment. Getting the fresh air in to your relationship will make it easier to bring in vitality.
6. Surprises are pleasant:Oh come on! Who doesn’t like surprises? Surprise her and tell her that you like surprises. Take up ideas from the movies or friends; invest some time and effort into materializing the surprise; and then watch the magic of her mood brightening up.
7. Remember important dates:Men are really bad on remembering dates and women wait a dozen days ahead just to see if their better-half remembers something important. Don’t miss out a special occasion just because you were buried under heaps of work. Set up calendar alerts ahead of time, and a heart-felt smile on her face will be worth it.
8. Don’t limit romance to occasions:Do not wait for the weekend night to be romantic or for Valentine’s Day to bring her a gift. Feel naughty inside and flare up the relationship with some romance. It is least likely that she wouldn’t respond with an overwhelming response to a wink from you. Send her love notes (with true messages) every week.
9. Act like old days:Do you miss the energy and passion you used to feel a couple of years ago? So, who said you cannot go back? Leave the responsibilities and obligations aside for a day. Remember the old times and act like you are back in time, and thrill yourself with the youthful energy.
10. Spend time together:Whether it is watching a movie or playing a game, spend time together to let her know that she is not being taken for granted. All in all, it is not a rocket science. Keep your expectations realistic, and, most importantly, be ready to forgive and give other person the benefit of doubt, and you will sail smooth!