Common Mistakes Men Make In The Shower

Speaking of scalp health—resist the urge to use your fingernails when massaging shampoo into your hair. Dermatologist Sandy Johnson, MD told Reader’s Digest, “Your fingernails can scratch the scalp and even cause flaking.” Aggressive rubbing may also cause hair damage, including split ends.
Good personal hygiene is critical for living a healthy life. That’s because, as New York-based cardiologist Steven Reisman, MD, explains, washing your hair, brushing your teeth, and showering regularly helps get rid of germs, parasites, and other potentially infectious agents. “On a daily basis, we come into contact with germs and viruses that can cause illness,” he says. “Prevention with a regular program of personal hygiene is important to avoid getting sick.
Do not Shampoo Every Day
When it comes to washing and conditioning your hair, one size doesn’t fit all. Your scalp is the “living” part of this process and needs to be hydrated and cleansed of excess oils. Your “dead” hair strands, however, can become dried out if you shampoo too often.
Dermatologist Amy McMichael, M.D. tells the Huffington Post that different ethnicities and hair types call for different treatments. Black and Hispanic people, for example, typically have thicker hair that requires less shampooing. Whatever your shampoo habits, McMichael recommends leaving at least a day in between washes so you’re not stripping your hair of its natural, healthy oils.
Use Conditioner All Over Your Hair
You’ve likely heard that you should only condition the tips of your hair, but the skin on your scalp needs to be moisturized, too! Just be sure to wash the conditioner out completely and buy the correct products for your hair type.
Don’t: Lather With Your Fingernails
Speaking of scalp health—resist the urge to use your fingernails when massaging shampoo into your hair. Dermatologist Sandy Johnson, MD told Reader’s Digest, “Your fingernails can scratch the scalp and even cause flaking.” Aggressive rubbing may also cause hair damage, including split ends.
Don’t: Take a Long, Hot Shower
Here’s one thing you should try right before you end your shower: quickly turn the water freezing cold, then hot, then cold again for 30 seconds. The heat expands your capillaries and increases blood flow, while the blast of cold water, according to Medical Daily, may lead to increased tolerance to stress, weight loss stimulation, and antidepressant effects. Long showers in nothing but hot water also dry out your skin and make you sleepy—the opposite of what you want a morning shower to do.
Don’t Forget To Apply Hair Tonic
After you leave the shower, don’t wait to apply your lotion. It might seem counterintuitive, but post-shower skin is primed for hydration. The heat and humidity in your bathroom will open up your pores, making it easier for the tonic to soak into your skin. A few other skin tips? Replace your loofah often (or go without!), and let both your loofah and razor dry completely before you use them again. You should also be gentle when cleaning your skin, and use a body wash with added moisturizers instead of bar soap. These simple tips can significantly improve the way your skin and hair looks and feels.