Top 10 Movies of 2012

10. Ted
Wow, that Mark Wahlberg comedy with the lewd-talkin’ teddy bear was really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really dumb. Can’t wait to see it again!
9. Skyfall
James Bond’s latest adventure stirs with sly, quick-footed thrills. Bous: the lush Adele theme song.
8. Your Sister’s Sister
A romantic love triangle goes awry i this offbeat indie gem. Emily Blunt delights too. Just Netflix it, OK?
7. The Dark Knight Rises
Amid the holiday bonanza, let’s not forget about the epic finale to this game-changing superhero franchise.
6. The Perks of Being a Wallflower
The lovely, intimate ode to teen angst (starring Emma Watson) belongs in the pantheon of great coming-of-age classics.
5. Life of Pi
A boy. A boat. A tiger. This survivor fable emotionally resonates and features magnificent 3-D effects to boot.
4. Zero Dark Thirty
Years from now, everybody will still be talking about this drama, which probes deep into the CIA manhunt for Osama bin Laden. Jessica Chastain leads the way.
3. Les Miserables
Standing O for this ambitiously crafted adaptation. Anne Hathaway is writing awards speeches as you read this.
2. Argo
No fingernails left after watching Ben Affleck’s ultra-intense take on the 1979 hostage rescue mission in Iran.
1. Silver Linings Playbook
Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence are crazy-great in the year’s most beguiling rom-com and honest family portrait. Utterly flawless—except that title!- Usmagazine