Top 10 Richest Celebrities of the World in 2013

There are many celebrities to look for if you are a Hollywood or a showbiz fan. The celebrities that work the best are also the highest paid ones. Many of the highest paid celebrities have written their names in the list of the richest people on earth just by giving a hundred people on their work.
We will be telling you about the richest celebrities that are working on earth, yes they were not born rich but they get their fortune by allot of hard work and compassion throughout their career. The celebrities who act pretty well and are liked by the audiences the most are also the ones that are being paid the most and are the ones who have the greatest amount of money in their bank accounts. This can be judged by looking at their assets in the form of bank balance and property investment. The most famous and the richest celebrities around the world are as follows.
Carlos Slim
Carlos is the Mexican person who is on the top of the list in the richest celebrities on earth. He is into the telecommunication business in the Mexico and almost covers the entire communication plan in the country. The billionaire is said to have the shares of sixty six billion dollars. He gets his most earning through different businesses and the telecommunication system he owned.
Mark Zuckerberg
The famous and youngest billionaire of the work is Mark Zuckerberg who has founded the most famous social network of all times named as Facebook. The founder of the social networking site is thought to have the assets of 17.5 billion dollars. The young lad has gotten all the repute and money from all thework that he has put into the website that he formulated.
Michael Bloomberg
He is the mayor of New York from a long time and has many businesses in the city. The man is said to have the third highest amount of money anybody on earth has. He has the assets of 22 billion dollars and the assets are said to be increasing day by day due to the success in his businesses that he runs throughout the country.
Giorgio Armani
Everybody is aware of the great name Armani. He is the most famous celebrity and the brand owner of Giorgio Armani. The brand has made a great name in the fashion industry;later on Armani entered the field of Showbiz and has been successful over there too.
Oprah Winfrey
Oprah is the name that is recognized in every corner forthe world. She is one of the most famous television celebrity all over the world. Her network, which is on her name, is the one that gets her all the assets that are estimated to be 2.8 billion dollars.
Donald Trump
He is another celebrity that is actually a real estate holder. His assets are around 2.9 million dollars and he is said to have the possession of a lot of property.
J.K Rowling
Rowling is the best author of the most selling fantasy series ever. She has written her name in the list of the richest writer of the world by having an estimated asset of 7.7 billion dollars.
Steven Spielberg
The great director of the many famous and hit movies of the Hollywood industry is another one on our list. He has directed many famous movies including Jurassic park and Avatar etc. His estimated assets are 157 million dollars.
Jennifer Lopez
J.Lo is an excellent Hollywood actor and a singer. She is said to be the most prominent singer of all time.She is said to be on the list of top ten celebrities that have the biggest assets in the world.
Daniel Redcliff
Dan Redcliff got the fame from Harry Potter series and is said to be one of the richest people on earth in the list of celebrities.