10 Stocking Stuffer Ideas For Men

Without stocking stuffer, any Christmas becomes dull and boring. The idea behind stocking stuffer is to fill in a sock or any sock shaped bag with gifts. Why do we do this? The myth goes back to Sir Nicholas’ story of the stocking stuffer many many years ago. All around the globe the stocking stuffer are considered to be a really sweet gesture. Stocking stuffer are put on the Christmas Eve usually thinking that Santa Clause will fill them up for the people mentioned on the stocking stuffer.
The trickiest stocking stuffers to fill are for men and here are some of the tips for all you people out there who want to fill in the stocking stuffers for their husbands, brothers, male best friends or sons. Usually whenever you are shopping for Christmas presents, it becomes really hard to choose gifts for men and that in turn leads to undecided stuff to put in the stocking stuffers for men. However, if you make up your mind that you want to put in all the useful, handy and inexpensive stuff in the stocking stuffer then it becomes quite easy.
You should first of all try and get to know the needs of the person whom you are filling the stocking stuffer for. Also, you cannot put big stuff in the sock or the sock shaped bag so go for economical and handy stuff. Also keep in mind the liking of the person you wish to fill the stocking stuffer for as he obviously would not like to get useless stuff that he does not even like for a Christmas gift and that too, in a stocking stuffer.
Try and make the stocking stuffer yourself in order to add in more warmth to the stocking stuffer. Christmas stocking stuffer should be really cute and colors like green, white and red should be used. You can use Christmas socks and do some embroidery like putting on the name of the person you wish to give the stocking stuffer to or a message saying merry Christmas.
Coming over to what you actually should put inside a man’s stocking stuffer, there are many things that can be put inside. But the thing that needs to be kept in mind is that we usually think all men need the same kind of things, which is wrong. Whenever you are filling up a stocking stuffer for man, try to know what he would really like as a gift. Here are the ten things that would generally be best for almost all men and you can hardly go wrong with them:
1) Flash lights
2) Tickets for a movie or somewhere he likes to go
3) Perfume
4) Chocolates
5) A cute note or letter that tells him how much you love him
6) His favorite magazines or books
7) Some electronic gadget that he longs to buy
8) A Tie
9) Cuff links or collar stays
10) A card game or a puzzle
So, get a grab on the above mentioned stuff for the guys you love and matter the most to you. It is a certainty that these things are very wearable and usable and will be loved by any man who gets the stocking stuffer this Christmas.