5 Essential Jackets For Your Fall Wardrobe

5 Essential Jackets For Your Fall Wardrobe
Length Trench

Trench coats are classic pieces of men’s fashion. Little has changed and little will change in trench coat styles. What you buy today will look great tomorrow and twenty years from now.
However, there are trench coats specifically made by “avant-garde” fashion designers. We suggest you stay away from these overpriced flashy coats.
The good thing is that these trendy trench coats only make up a very small percentage of what you find in the stores.
Today you will generally see trench coats in the stores that would not look out of place fifty years ago. It’s very easy to dress up as shown here in a classic fall business outfit. But it’s also extremely simple to wear in a more casual setting as well.
Tweed Sportcoat

Tweed’s warmth and water resistance make it a popular choice for lightweight overcoats. Sherlock Holmes wears a tweed Inverness cape (a sort of loose, sleeveless topcoat) in a variety of his fictional incarnations.
Without additional treatment, tweed is only water-resistant, though it holds up well to light rain or general damp (hence its long-standing popularity in the British Isles).
It appears in everything from light, waist-length styles to trenchcoats meant for all-winter wear. The bright plaid coats that Americans think of as hunting or “lumberjack” clothing are typically made from tweed.
Leather Bomber

Every guy should own a simple leather jacket. No fancy zippers (or any other bells and whistles, for that matter). Just plain and classic. Choosing one with those attributes will ensure that you’ll be able to wring maximum versatility out of it. Though it’s almost too easy to style in a casual way…
Suede Jacket

Suede is a clothing material that’s a specialized form of leather. It’s a collaboration between style and function when it comes to suede. Suede is uncommon (so you will stand out) and also warm & protective. It’s true that suede can stain more easily than leather. In fact, it’s pretty high-maintenance. But the thing I’d like to stress is that you CAN clean it when necessary.
First and foremost – you must let the stain dry off at room temperature. You can play it safe by waiting for the next day to start cleaning. And then as long as you know the different tools and purposes of each one, you’ll be fine.
The Shacket

Finally, we have the shirt jacket or as it is sometimes called, the “shacket”. This definitely skews more toward the casual side of things, but it is a possible to challenge the notion that this is only a casual piece of outerwear.