The Triangle of Good Grooming

1. The Triangle of Good Grooming: Physical Health
The triangle of good grooming starts with the physical health of a man. Unless and until he is not physically fit, he cannot groom himself the way he wanted. This physical health starts with regular exercising and making your body prepared for the whole coming day. Exercising increases your stamina of working for longer hours. Then take a balanced diet. Do exercise but do not quit eating and having healthy food. Your diet plays a vital role in your physical health fitness. Eating healthy does not means that you start gaining weight. Take care of this thing. Avoid the use of cigarettes, alcohol to maintain your healthy body. Take as much rest you can take. Your sleep is also connected with your health.
2. The Triangle of Good Grooming: Mental Health
The second point under the triangle of good grooming is to take care of your mental health along with your physical fitness. Mental relaxation is very important no matter you are very fit physically. You can groom your mental health by learning new things, try to explore more and more. Surf on the internet, bring out something new everyday and discuss with your partner. Try to stress out yourself, learn to deal with the problems of your life with strong decision making skills. Think a lot but be positive always because negativity destroys your inner.
3. The Triangle of Good Grooming: Social Health
When a man is physically and mentally fit he obviously feels to like owning this world. Social health is the third criteria of the triangle of good grooming. Having the above two in any men will continue to his social well being. Social health of a man is all about making friends, going out and spending time with your family and friends. Giving the full support to who ever needed whenever. Talk more and argue less. Do not waste your time fighting on non serious issues. Be brave and all this is possible if you are mentally and physically fit.
4. The Triangle of Good Grooming: The Other Necessities
After these three very important parts of the triangle of good grooming comes the grooming of your image. This is the where men wants to look sexy by having facials, decreasing their complexion by applying sunscreens, waxing on their chests, taking care of their eyes and dark circles, the most important of all inventing new and different hair styles to impress girls. But all these are possible if you are mentally and physically fit otherwise grooming your image is of no use at all.