Real Men wear real Pink

Pink is the new black for men and it is the new rage all over the world. Those days are long over when pink and blue were gender defining colors.
In 21 century women do not monopolize fashion because men have become fashion conscious too. Fashion, now, is equal for women and men. Fashion in a layman’s language is to have the taste to wear something suitable for age and time and men, who consciously dress up according to fashion, are sought after and are appreciated.
Pink is the new black for men and it is the new rage all over the world. Those days are long over when pink and blue were gender defining colors. Now men wearing pink are known to be confident with a sensitive side to them. Pink is not only a fashion statement but it is also one of those few colors which blends well with greys, tans, black, navys and other blue tones. And there are many ways of incorporating pink in your wardrobe.
If you already haven’t tried out pink than the best way to get over that stigma and hesitation is to start from something small but noticeable like a tie or a scarf or a hat. That way you will get comfortable with the color and slowly pave your way to an outfit which is nothing less than a show stopper. A pink dress shirt is the bold statement and gets the nod from the society. Pink dress shirts are one of the easiest ways to incorporate pink into your wardrobe. They are easily worn with suits, under sweaters or on their own with trousers or jeans.
This summer the pink is going to be enhanced in trousers and suits and they will be the best outfit to wear on weddings or parties. I know you may be having a hard time visualizing this, but when I say suits and trousers I mean seersucker or light cotton.
The old myth of pink being the girls color or gay’s public statement is totally wrong because in this time and age fashion is all about bold expressions and taking the risk and what better way to be bold and gallant than wearing pink! It takes a self assured man to wear pink and that’s what women are looking for!
Men of this generation have the chance to be leaders in teaching others how to adopt this not-so-typical color. In fact, wearing pink this season is about sorting the men from the boys; “Real Men” really DO wear pink.