Prince Harry abandons UK as permanent home in major snub to royals

 Prince Harry abandons UK as permanent home in major snub to royals


Prince Harry has effectively confirmed that he does not intend to return to the UK permanently, as evidenced by recent documents filed for his tourism initiative, Travalyst. In these official filings with Companies House, it is now explicitly stated that his “New Country/State Usually Resident” is the USA.

This update marks a significant change from previous entries that listed the United Kingdom as his residence. This revelation comes at a particularly notable time—on June 29, 2023, the very day that King Charles requested that Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, vacate Frogmore Cottage, their UK residence. Since resigning from their roles as working royals in 2020.

Harry and Meghan have settled in Montecito, California, where they live with their children. This move was part of a broader plan to establish a new life independent of the royal framework, allowing them more control over their personal and professional commitments, as per reports The Mirror.

The timing of these changes in residency status and the corresponding update in official documents underscore the depth of the Duke of Sussex’s commitment to his new life in the United States. It reflects a clear shift in his long-term plans, distancing himself further from the life he once led in the UK.

The documents, which were filed earlier this week, came to light shortly after Harry made a virtual appearance at an annual meeting hosted by the nonprofit organization behind Travalyst. During this meeting, Harry, who authored the memoir “Spare,” spoke passionately about the need for improved treatment of local communities in tourist destinations.

His advocacy for ethical tourism practices highlights his ongoing commitment to social and environmental issues, themes that have been consistent in his public engagements since leaving the UK. Harry’s decision to establish residency in the USA, as noted in the Travalyst documents, not only confirms his physical relocation but also symbolizes a more profound realignment of his personal and professional identity.

By choosing the United States as his permanent home, Harry is taking a definitive step in reshaping his life and the legacy he will leave for his children. This move also possibly reflects his desire to build a legacy independent of the British monarchy, focusing instead on issues like sustainable travel and community welfare—causes that he continues to champion fervently.

Prince Harry’s update in his residency status is more than just a bureaucratic change. It signifies a decisive step in his journey towards establishing a new base for his family and his humanitarian endeavors, far from the royal life he once knew. As he advocates for better practices in tourism and other social issues, it becomes evident that Harry is carving out a niche for himself as a global citizen, committed to making a positive impact beyond the borders of any single country.

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