9 Awesome Apps to Boost Workplace Productivity

9 Awesome Apps to Boost Workplace Productivity
When smartphones first came out, many employers debated whether to allow them in the workplace. There is still an ongoing debate whether employees should have Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies, because there are both advantages and disadvantages. BYOD policies can be very beneficial if they are well thought out. However, Andrew Borg, an analyst for the Aberdeen Group, said that it can also create an imbalance in the workplace.
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“The pressure on IT is intense,” Borg told CIO. “The implied threat is, ‘Give me what I know I can have, or I’ll self-provision.’” The truth is that most companies are better off allowing BYOD, but it’s not appropriate for every organization. Allowing employees to bring their own devices to work can hinder productivity if the right safeguards aren’t place. It’s important to have a well-thought-out BYOD policy in place. One of the most important steps is choosing the right apps.

Productivity Apps for Your Company’s BYOD Policy
This policy should include a list of approved productivity apps. If you develop your own, we ask you to promote your app and share it with lists like ours. Here are some of the most important to include. Asking your employees to install these apps can significantly improve their productivity.
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Employees rarely have access to their computers while taking notes. Taking notes on your mobile device before transferring them to your computer can be tedious and exhausting. Evernote is the perfect solution. It syncs your mobile device and desktop, which minimizes the steps in the notetaking process. There is another great benefit of Evernote. You can use your phones voice to text tool to create text documents. This is a much more efficient way to create documents and minimizes the risk of keyboard related injuries.
Google Drive
Google Docs was always a very useful cloud storage platform. However, it used to be limited to desktop devices. Google has since release the Google Drive app, which allows you to store and access documents from your desktop, tablet and smartphone.
Wunderlist is an excellent time management app. You can create detailed list of tasks that you need to complete and easily check them off as they are completed. This app is a must-have for virtual assistants and other professionals that have numerous responsibilities.
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Do you have trouble keeping track of your passwords? Do you often waste time resetting ones that you forgot? How much time do you waste trying to login to accounts you barely use? 1Password is a great password management service. It remembers all of your passwords and safely stores them.
LocalVox is a very valuable tool for managing online content. It’s intended specifically for local businesses that publish a lot of content on social media and news sites. If you plan on promoting your business on these virtual platforms, you should consider downloading this app.
According to a recent poll from Salary.com, 89% of employees admit to wasting time every day. There are a number of ways that they waste time, but social media is at the top of the list. RescueTime is a great app to help employees reclaim wasted time. You can ask employees to use this app to put restrictions on the amount of time they can use social media with their mobile device. This can be mandatory for any employees that want to access their mobile device at work.
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Calvetica Calendar
Calvetica Calendar was one of the first time management apps available on iTunes. However, many people still rely on it to this day, because it is easy to use and has a clean interface. You can download the app for only $2.99.
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Droplr is a more versatile file-sharing platform than Google Drive. While Google Drive allows you to share Microsoft Word documents, Droplr can share just about anything. It is used for distributing everything from text documents to screenshots to songs. The best thing is that you can sync it between your desktop and mobile devices. It’s also free to use!
Email clutter is one of the biggest problems we deal with every day. The average employee spends a whopping 13 hours a week checking and sending emails. While email is an important way to communicate, it’s a massive time sink for people that get a lot of unimportant messages. AwayFind is the solution you are looking for. It is a great app for managing your inbox. You can specify the recipients you want to prioritize and worry about other messages later.