11 Golden Rules for A Great Relationship

11 Basic Rules For Great Relationship:
Rules for great relationship are small details which we hear every day but even so, they have a lot of importance.
1. One of the first basic rules for great relationship is that just be honest, no lying no tricking. Because woman would want to live with a dishonest man.
2. Guessing leads to confusion no matter if you are trying to guess your partner or trying to make her guess. Don’t make her guess about things and as for you, you should ask what the matter is instead of guessing. Rules for great relationship states that just be straight.
3. Forgive and forget. Why? Because we are humans and humans are not perfect. Just as you make mistakes so will your partner. Forgive and forget rules for great relationship has great importance.
4. No matter what the differences you may have on things just talk things out and lighten the burden because lack of communications is a major reason for a break up. Proper communications is an important key factor in rules for great relationship.
5. Respect is one of the key rules for great relationship to put things into place. Rules for the great relationship states that give a woman the proper respect which she deserves. It will make her feel special and you will stand out from all of the other men.
6. Give attention to your partner because it is all what she wants from you. If you keep yourself busy with your friends, social networks and other things, she will feel left out. Even when you are with your friends give her the same attention which you give her when you are alone. These are tiny rules for great relationship which should always be kept in mind.
7. Whenever you see the person with which you want to have a relationship with, just be confident, walk up to her, be blunt and talk to her. Rules for great relationship also include being confident in relationships.
8. Rules for great relationship say that always have a conversation which can go on for hours so you can understand your partner better. Talk about her and her interest. Listen to her carefully but that does not mean you shouldn’t talk about yourself.
9. Having some activities done together with your partner also builds up a good relationship. Sometimes you don’t have the same interests but for love you have develop such interests in you. It is an important point of rules for great relationship.
10. Moving on with the last couple of rules for great relationship. One from these rules for great relationship is to be all loving and caring to your partner. Never be afraid to express you’re your love for in any way possible.
11. Pay attention to even the smallest of the details or occasions because it may not be important for you that much but this may be really important for her.
There are plenty of other basic rules for great relationship which carry equal importance as these so do make sure these rules for great relationship are in your mind before you make your move.