Rules for a Happy Marriage

Life of human is beautiful with beauty of relations. Marriage is beautiful relation but it is like a silent agreement between two people to spend whole life with each other. And it is also the fact that every person in this world has its own habits, hobbies, different dreams for future life. But by mutual understanding marriage make two lives one.
Here are some rules for Happy Marriage to make your married life more beautiful.
- When we talk about the rules for a Happy Marriage, trust comes on number one. Every relation especially Marriage relation is totally incomplete without trust. It’s the duty of both companions to never break other’s trust.
- Build mutual understanding, Instead of each other neglect other people, as trust is one of the most important rules of Happy Marriage.
- Most probably you both have different hobbies and interests, and this is common problem, to come over this, don’t force your partner to take a part in your hobbies. Respect each other’s interests.
- Stop comparing your married life with another most happier and successful couple around you. Is anyone around you is spending more sound life than so what? You can also make your married life more charm full.
- Be a impulsive and spontaneous about your love. No matter how many year you have spend together just be a romantic. Plan a wonderful date; spend more and more time with each other.
- Give preference to your partner’s onion in other matters too. Argue lovingly instead of criticism.
- An awfully narrow hurdle between your happy married lives is when you are wrong in fights and you don’t admit. Yes! Apologize to your partner when you feel you were wrong. This Rule of Happy Marriage really makes your relation strong. By happily acceptation of partner’s apologize instead of reminding his/her past mistake will multiplies the affection.
- Give compliment to your partner every day. Appreciate his/her struggles and love for you.