Make your pregnant wife feel beautiful

Many people believe that the unborn child is aware of the mother’s emotions and feelings. Thus, a healthy state of mind is very important for pregnant woman. Imagine that little angle inception inside her kicks her, moves and dreams in her. She needs your love and care as much as the baby needs.
It is very important for a guy to make his pregnant wife feel good because her hormones are fluctuating now and she may be more emotional. Her body is also changing shape which may make her feel unattractive. A pregnant woman needs a lot of assurance and attention to make her feel that she is still beautiful, attractive and still your dream girl. Read on to know some of the cutest ways to make her pregnancy easier and happier.
Buy her flowers because pregnant women are more sensitive towards fragrances. Some sweet smelling flowers placed next to her in the morning may fade her morning sickness in an instant.
Give your pregnant baby mama a foot rub with some exotic, scented essential oils. The additional new weight might be making her feet tired and ache. A foot rub will probably do wonders to lift up her tired spirits.
Surprise her someday with a self made dinner. Prepare her favorite meal from beginning to end. Perk it up with some dinner candles, soft music and a movie at the end.
Morning sickness can be very distressful and exhausting to pregnant woman. Give her two or three mornings off in a week, while you prepare the breakfast and do morning chores. Believe me she will incredibly feel relaxing and secure.
Nothing will make a pregnant woman feel more satisfying and rejuvenated then a romantic body massage. It will not only relax her muscles and bones but will also delight her emotionally and sexually.
Express her with words, women believe with their ears, so express her that she is still the most beautiful lady on earth, whisper in her ears that you love her and love that little angle who is growing in her belly.
Shop for her, keeping in mind her pregnancy figure, such as comfy shoes, loose flowing frocks, to make her feel attractive again. Kiss her touch her, cuddle with her, listen to those bitter sweet kicks of your baby, talk with your baby, and listen to his heartbeat in her.
Shower her with your love and care and make her journey towards becoming mama much easier and safer.