A Joint Family Is More Than Living Together

Now a day, it is die need to understand to concept of joint family and to make aware our younger nation that a joint family is more than living together. Due to technological advancement and material progress, the bonds of the family have become weakened. Families now give less importance to values and more to material aspects of the life. They are selfish in their approach because they don’t believe that a joint family is more than living together.
Compromises, selflessness, mutual respect and honor are the hall marks of joint family system. But now, all the said principles are replaced with jealousy, leg pulling, and wicked thoughts. A joint family is more than living together as it demands and flourished when watered by the love and respect.
A joint family is more than living together. If it were just living together, things would have been different. There would be a Hobbes’ state in every home which is least desirable to any individual on the globe. A joint family is more than living together because it is the name of sharing and fighting together whatever life is provided with. Joint family is the name of giving everybody according to its needs and contribution from everybody according to his abilities.
Let us quote an example to prove that a joint family is more than living together. M. Deshmukh, an endocrinologist in USA, when started living alone in USA, reported to have said that a joint family is more than living together. She has rendered her 14 years careers to the joint family. She found that a joint family is more than living together.
A joint family is more than living together. Living together means less fruits and more burdens, no responsibility of each other, no sharing in the time of stress and no help when needed. However, things are changed in the joint family. Here, love is of prime importance, family values are significant and the mutual co-existence is the ultimate goal to be achieved by all of the families living jointly. That’s why; it has been learned through the experience of the ages that a joint family is more than living together.