Dating Q&A: Keep Her Interested

Be Spontaneous to keep her interested in her:
Being spontaneous does not mean to arrange expensive things for your girl every time but it’s mean to try new little things to create some thing new in your relationship like sending your girl flowers without any reason, organizing romantic date nights and dinner by preparing her favorite dishes yourself, and writing love notes for her will give you both an opportunity to make your love bond strong and these unpredictable things keep your girl interested in you because once your all actions become predictable, relationship becomes boring and the chances of break up increases.
Laugh with her:
Try to incorporate humor in your relationship even don’t even hesitate while throwing some jokes during interaction with her because it will help to keep your relationship fresh and lively. If you are laughing with her during date, you are definitely adding pleasant memorable moments in her memories and also in your relationship. It will help you for the maintenance of your relationship.
Improve your communication and let her talk As well:
If you are dating her, it doesn’t mean that it’s only yours right to share your feelings with her but you should let her talk to express her deeper emotions with you as well which will definitely improve your relationship. Try to avoid arguments with her. In spite of arguments, try to sort out your problems with communication and try to improve the communication level between you and her which will help to avoid different types of misunderstandings.
Learn to keep you up and dress smarter with distinct scent:
Most of the men think that they only need to look best in the beginning of their relationship but they forget that it was their smarter best look which attracted the girl earlier. Every woman wants a clean, well groomed and stylish guy and if you keep you up and well groomed, it shows that you are stylish, mature, successful, interesting and know how to dress up. Distinct smell and fragrance create a happy, excited, interested and secure sense in a woman. So try to use a specific Scent to create a positive association with her. Keep your standards up to the mark as in the beginning of the relationship which will help to keep your relationship stronger.
Present yourself an Ideal Man:
A girl always wants and shows her interest towards an ideal man, so remain an ideal man. Don’t try to be clingy, desperate, and insecure because a girl doesn’t take any interest in a man who always wants her support. A female always wants a confident, respectable and self sufficient guy with a good body postures and gestures having a strong eye contact.
And show her gratitude instead of complaining which will create an emotional and spiritual health in your relationship. By showing some responsibilities in every aspects of your day to day life can make her realize that you are an ideal man for her like paying the bill after the lunch, open the door for her and make the way for her in rush of people can impress your girl as well as keep her interested in you.
Make common goals:
Try to spend some times with her daily and try to set common goals for happiness and comfort. It will make her realize her importance in front of you.
Make friends with other women and let them chase you:
Make your female friends but don’t chase them. It will make you a higher status guy and keep your girl interested in you. Try to maintain your status in society by your looks, smartness and success and make the other women pursue you but ignore them. It will create a sense of achievement in your girl and she will not want to loose you in any cost.
Give her some space:
Show her your care for her and spend times with her but don’ try to stuck with her every time but a space is very necessary in all the relationships. Being apart from each other will not only provide both of you freedom but it will allow to both of you to miss each other and will help to strengthen your relationship.
Be a good kisser and improve your sex life:
The art of kissing is very important in your relationship; try to be a good kisser and if you want a long term relationship; try to give a little more efforts in your bedroom with her. Try to use your imagination and inspiration and try to come with number of new ideas of having sex with your girl.
Give her respect and genuine compliments:
Give your girl the respect which is the most important thing a girl desires from you and she deserves that respect because respect is the base for every relationship. Keeping their values in focus give them the right compliments in a right way. It does not matter what you are saying to a woman but how you are saying matters a lot. Give your girl compliments according to the occasion with a confident voice tone and a smile in your face and don’t even ignore the value of strong eye contact during that compliment.
Be Mysterious:
Last but not the least tip to continue your relationship is that a man should never reveal his all aspects of personality in front of your girl in the beginning of relationship. Reveal yourself gradually and slowly and also let her reveal herself. Don’t let her know yourself, so she will try to discover you. And it will help to keep your relationship going, and keep your girl interested in you.
By following these simple tips you can maintain your relationship in a smooth manner.