“Revenge is Sweet and Not Fattening” Trump’s Return to Power Poses Threat to Democracy

© Mike Segar, Reuters
Donald Trump’s enduring preoccupation with revenge is a pivotal reason his potential return to the presidency poses a significant threat to American democracy, according to veteran journalist David Corn of Mother Jones. Corn delves into Trump’s deep-seated inclination for retaliation, which has been a consistent theme throughout his public life and presidency, potentially influencing his political actions and aspirations.
During his 2016 campaign, Trump openly endorsed the notion of revenge, quoting filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock in a tweet: “Revenge is sweet and not fattening.” This fixation on payback was not confined to verbal expressions. In 2011, Trump addressed the National Achievers Congress in Australia, advising attendees to retaliate against adversaries tenfold: “If they screw you, screw them back 10 times as hard.”
Corn highlights how Trump’s advocacy for vengeance has not only been a personal mantra but also a public spectacle. He refers to a 2007 incident where Trump, embroiled in a feud with Rosie O’Donnell, insisted on the necessity of getting even, stating, “You’ve got to hit people hard, and it’s not so much for that person. It’s other people’s watch.”
The implications of Trump’s vengeful tendencies extend beyond personal disputes and could have severe repercussions for the judicial system and law enforcement officials involved in his legal challenges. Trump’s actions and rhetoric suggest a pattern of using power to settle scores, which Corn argues could become more pronounced if Trump were to regain the presidency.
Corn also speculates on the motivations behind Trump’s political ambitions, suggesting they may be rooted in a desire for revenge against those who have opposed him. He recalls the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner where President Barack Obama mocked Trump, an event some believe spurred Trump’s presidential run. “For years, political observers have speculated that Trump entered the 2016 presidential content in part to avenge the humiliation he suffered when President Barack Obama skewered him at the White House Correspondents Dinner in 2011,” Corn wrote.
With the recent felony conviction in New York, Trump’s penchant for retribution could be further fueled, adding more names to his “hit list.” Corn concludes by warning of the “excessive and alarming lust for revenge” that Trump would carry into the White House, should he be re-elected, marking a direct threat to the foundational principles of American governance.