VoteVets Ad Criticizes Trump’s Remarks About Veterans, Sparks Controversy

An advertisement by VoteVets, a liberal veterans PAC, recently caused a stir in Pennsylvania markets with its focus on former President Trump’s controversial remarks about veterans. The 60-second ad, scheduled to air during the NFL conference championship game, features Gold Star parents defending their fallen children and condemning Trump’s derogatory comments.
The ad opens with a somber scene at a military cemetery, setting a poignant tone. Overlaying the imagery is a quote attributed to Trump: “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” This quote, reportedly from a canceled visit to a World War I cemetery in France, sparked outrage when it was first reported by the media and corroborated by John Kelly, Trump’s former chief of staff.
The ad then shifts to Gold Star parents who have lost children in service to their country. They vehemently reject Trump’s characterization of veterans as “losers” and “suckers,” emphasizing the honor and sacrifice their children made for their nation. One parent declares, “My stepson was not a loser,” echoing the sentiments of others who reject Trump’s remarks.
Testimonials from the parents of Lance Cpl. Alexander Scott Arredondo and Sgt. James Anthony Ayube II highlights their sons’ ultimate sacrifices in Iraq and Afghanistan, respectively. Another parent remarks, “My son, Sgt. James Anthony Ayube II, gave his life in Kandahar, Afghanistan, in 2010. That is something Donald Trump will never know.” The ad concludes with a powerful message directed at Trump: “My message to Donald Trump is this, you have no right. You’re the real loser here,” as reported by The Hill.
According to NBC News, VoteVets’ decision to launch this ad marks the beginning of their efforts in the 2024 election cycle. As a significant player in political spending, the group’s message resonates, especially among voters who prioritize veterans and military service issues. In response to the ad, Rep. Brian Mast, representing the Veterans for Trump Coalition, criticized VoteVets as a “shill” group, dismissing the ad as “vile” and refuting the claims against Trump.
Mast stated, “First and foremost, it cites a refuted claim debunked by senior officials who were in the room years ago. Recycling this fake news is made worse by exploiting the pain of family members of fallen soldiers.” Social media users shared varied opinions about the ad. One user wrote, “I’m exhausted from all of Donald Trump’s incessant whining. But here we go again for another day of it. Bring on Michael Cohen with some truth-telling… and then wait for Donald Trump’s head to explode.
#MichaelCohen.” Another user noted, “It is VERY telling that there were NO Black Americans featured and definitely NOT Black women!!” However, some Trump supporters disagreed, with one commenting, “This will persuade 0 people, and the fact that you thought it might is hilarious.” Another added, “Never stop supporting Trump. No more socialists in office!” The VoteVets ad underscores the deep divisions and strong emotions surrounding Trump’s past remarks and their ongoing impact on political discourse.