Trump’s Explosive Speech: Warns of ‘World War Two’ under Biden and Drops MAJOR 2024 Hint!

 Trump’s Explosive Speech: Warns of ‘World War Two’ under Biden and Drops MAJOR 2024 Hint!


Former President Donald Trump made waves at the Pray Vote Stand summit in Washington, with a speech filled with bombshells, missteps, and a big hint at his 2024 ambitions. The Daily Mail captured every sensational detail in its report on September 16, 2023.

Trump set the tone right from the get-go, making a shocking claim that “cognitively impaired” President Joe Biden might plunge the US into “World War Two.” Despite the glaring historical blunder—Trump meant “World War Three”—his message was unmistakable: he’s deeply concerned about Biden’s ability to navigate global crises, especially with Russia lurking and nuclear threats escalating.

The ex-President’s rhetoric was fiery, painting a bleak picture: “Imagine a corrupt, unfit leader at the helm, grappling with Russia and a potential nuclear apocalypse. We’d quickly dive into a war more devastating than any before,” Trump exclaimed.

But it wasn’t all doom and gloom. The summit also witnessed a star-studded assembly of Republican 2024 contenders, including Trump and Florida’s Governor, Ron DeSantis. Their presence signaled the race to woo evangelical Republicans—a vote bank poised to be a game-changer in the presidential nominations.

Another major reveal from Trump? His massive backing among evangelical Christians and women. Despite controversies, these groups remain staunchly in his corner. Polls and past election results affirm his unwavering clout within the GOP.

Perhaps the most tantalizing bit came when Trump hinted at his 2024 presidential aspirations. Suggesting he’s topping the polls, he even seemed to pit himself against former President Barack Obama, though he quickly backtracked.

Mistakes aside, Trump’s call to arms for his supporters was undeniable. His message was clear: he’s still a significant force in US politics and isn’t ruling out a White House return in 2024.

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