‘STAND WITH TRUMP & DAVE’ Trump Warns Republicans Not to Capitalize on His Conviction for Fundraising

 ‘STAND WITH TRUMP & DAVE’ Trump Warns Republicans Not to Capitalize on His Conviction for Fundraising

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Following his historic conviction on over 30 felony charges in New York, Donald Trump has embarked on an aggressive fundraising campaign, framing himself as the victim of a corrupt system. However, Trump’s team is now cautioning other Republicans against using his legal troubles for their own fundraising efforts, according to Politico.

The report details that Trump’s campaign is zealously guarding this opportunity to generate donations, viewing his conviction as a lucrative draw for small-dollar contributions. Trump’s political operatives are reportedly issuing warnings to other GOP figures and entities, instructing them not to divert potential donations away from Trump’s campaign coffers.

Chris LaCivita, Trump’s co-campaign manager, expressed a stern warning: “Any Republican elected official, candidate, or party committee siphoning money from President Trump’s donors are no better than Judge Merchant’s daughter… We’re keeping a list, we’ll be checking it twice and we aren’t in the spirit of Christmas.”

In the wake of the verdict, Trump’s campaign has been actively soliciting funds, sending out multiple appeals to supporters. One such text message implored followers to “Stand with Trump following this injustice,” aiming to bolster the campaign’s financial resources.

However, Trump’s team is not the only one eyeing these potential donations. Politico notes that some candidates, like Colorado Republican Dave Williams, are also attempting to tap into the fervor generated by Trump’s conviction. Williams, who has previously received Trump’s endorsement for a congressional seat, launched his own fundraising initiative. His campaign message labeled the conviction a “disgrace and mockery of the principles our nation was founded on,” and included a call to action for donors to “STAND WITH TRUMP & DAVE.” However, clicks on the campaign’s link led to a donation page exclusively for Williams, not Trump.

This development underscores a growing tension within the GOP as figures seek to navigate the political and financial implications of Trump’s legal battles. The insistence from Trump’s campaign to monopolize fundraising efforts following his conviction highlights the strategic moves being played out behind the scenes as Republicans prepare for upcoming electoral challenges.

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