Trump Opines Biden’s On Cocaine, Is A Communist But Other Than That Iowa Town Hall Was Pretty Normal

Source: CNN
Everything, including mental health, is relative. Once you grasp that basic concept, then not much of anything that comes out of Donald Trump’s mouth these days will particularly surprise you. That idea, plus the fact that we’ve all got seven years of scar tissue, makes commentary that once would have been considered scandalous seem quite banal by comparison.
Trump is back in Iowa, this time for a town hall with Sean Hannity. And it was “normal” as that word is understood these days.
Let’s give Trump a break here, shall we? If he’s spoken to his eldest son in the last twenty years or so, he may actually know something about the decisions people make when they’re strung out on cocaine. Next, we move right along to more normalcy, still.
Full communism. Did anybody else miss this story, too? And Trump needs Hannity to give him a hand here. So many conspiracy theories, how’s a fella to keep them all straight? I mean, really.
Now here’s a news story that you have to remember. The one about “hundreds of billions of dollars pouring in?” What? Have you never heard of it?
Here we are, normal politics in the year 2023. I know, I know. You remember a day and age where if a candidate was under indictment in a couple of jurisdictions and pending indictment in a couple of more, not to mention a defamation trial in January (with the same woman who won a conviction for sexual assault not too long ago) that would have been disqualifying. But that was all before the GOP drank orange kool-aide and done lost their damn minds collectively.
And since that happened, this is what’s normal. They can’t quit Donald Trump. So this crazy train will either derail or go all the way to some destination none of us can foresee.