“You Haven’t Weaponized the Justice Department” Rep. Steve Cohen Challenges Claims in Congressional Hearing

 “You Haven’t Weaponized the Justice Department” Rep. Steve Cohen Challenges Claims in Congressional Hearing

Rep. Steve Cohen. | Win McNamee/Getty Images

During a recent congressional hearing with Attorney General Merrick Garland, Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN) took a firm stand to counter allegations from Republican colleagues that the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) has been “weaponized” against Republicans. Cohen used the hearing to highlight instances where the DOJ pursued legal action against members of both political parties, thereby challenging the notion of partisan bias in its operations.

In his dialogue with Garland, Cohen pointed out several high-profile cases involving Democrats to illustrate the DOJ’s impartiality under Garland’s leadership. “As far as weaponization in the department goes, did the Justice Department indict Sen. Menendez (D-NJ)?” Cohen asked, to which Garland confirmed, acknowledging that it was a matter of public record.

When Cohen clarified that Menendez is a Democrat, Garland agreed, reinforcing the point that party affiliation did not influence DOJ actions. Cohen further cited the cases against Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) and Hunter Biden, the son of Democratic President Joe Biden, to strengthen his argument. He specifically noted, “The son of the president is under trial in Delaware.

So you haven’t weaponized the Justice Department in terms of hiding and protecting Democrats Menendez, Cuellar, and Hunter Biden.” Garland affirmed Cohen’s point, stating the DOJ’s commitment to impartial justice, unswayed by political considerations. The discussion also touched on the case of Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), who had been under investigation for sex trafficking. Cohen highlighted this as a crucial example of the DOJ’s non-partisan stance, reported Raw Story.

“While many were expecting a prosecution, you chose not to prosecute this very active Republican,” Cohen remarked, emphasizing that this decision serves as “direct evidence that you have not weaponized the Justice Department.” This exchange in the congressional hearing serves not only as a defense of the DOJ’s integrity under Garland’s supervision but also as a rebuttal to ongoing critiques that the department favors one political party over another.

By presenting examples from both sides of the aisle, Cohen aimed to dispel myths of partisanship and assert the department’s role in upholding justice without political bias. This hearing underscores the ongoing debate over the role and direction of the DOJ in a highly polarized political environment.

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