Did Nostradamus Predict Trump’s Rise? Conspiracy Theorists and Historians Weigh In

 Did Nostradamus Predict Trump’s Rise? Conspiracy Theorists and Historians Weigh In

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Conspiracy theorists believe that Donald Trump’s unexpected 2016 presidential victory might have been foretold centuries ago by the famous 16th-century French astrologer, Nostradamus. Known for his cryptic prophecies, Nostradamus is often credited with predicting major historical events, from the rise of Napoleon to World War II.

Now, some are scrutinizing his writings, arguing that Trump’s political ascent was one of his many predictions. According to the New York Post, a passage linked to Trump’s 2016 win reads: “The bridge is broken, the city faint from fear… The great shameless, audacious bawler, he will be elected governor of the army.”

The “governor of the army” is interpreted by theorists as a metaphor for the U.S. presidency, with America seen as a global military force. Another quatrain claims, “The false trumpet concealing madness will cause Byzantium to change its laws,” which many believe refers to Trump’s anti-establishment rhetoric and his controversial stance on immigration during the 2016 campaign.

While Nostradamus’ verses are open to interpretation, modern political predictions have been less mystical. Allan Lichtman, a political historian known as the “Nostradamus of U.S. elections,” has accurately forecasted the outcomes of nearly every presidential race since 1984.

Lichtman’s 13 Keys to the White House, a system based on historical trends rather than polls, famously predicted Trump’s 2016 win, even as most polls favored Hillary Clinton. Lichtman has already applied his model to the 2024 election, and this time he predicts a different outcome: a win for the Democrats, with Vice President Kamala Harris becoming the next president.

As reported by the Daily Beast, Lichtman explained, “The Democrats will hold on to the White House and Harris will be the next president… The Democrats did better than expected in 2022 but still lost House seats so that key is false.”

Lichtman further noted that President Biden’s withdrawal from the 2024 race impacted the Democrats’ keys, but their overwhelming support for Harris salvaged the situation. He also dismissed any Republican attempts to pin a scandal on Biden, saying they “came up empty.”

While Lichtman’s record of nine correct predictions out of the last ten elections is impressive, the unpredictable nature of today’s political landscape—much of which was shaped by Trump—means that anything could happen. Whether one prefers to look at Nostradamus’ mystical prophecies or Lichtman’s data-driven predictions, both offer intriguing perspectives on the future of Trump and American politics.

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