Influencer and Model Niece Waidhofer Dead by Suicide at age of 31

Source: Niece Waidhofer / Instagram
At the age of 31, model Niece Wiedhofer took her own life after a long battle with mental illness.
Model and social media influencer Niece Waidhofer, recognized for helping her followers through their own mental health struggles, committed herself. FOX3 has been discovered.
Our discussions with the niece’s relatives revealed that she “unfortunately took her own life after a long fight with mental health concerns.” In Houston, Texas, a 31-year-old niece passed away, as E News reported.
According to her relatives, she was open and honest with her fans about her problems and even tried to support fans who were going through similar things. Her family claimed that she wished to assist followers who were also in need.
According to the information that was given to us, a humanitarian organization called “Peace from Niece” will be created in her honor. In addition to funding research on mental diseases, this foundation will strive to increase awareness of mental health.
The niece’s family claims that she took pride in being the sole author of all of her Instagram postings and in having taken the vast majority of them without the help of a professional photographer.
According to law enforcement officials, a concerned relative contacted them one month ago asking them to check on their niece at her residence in the Houston area. It was at that time that her body was found. This material relates to the events leading up to her death.
Waidhofer, who had 4.2 million Instagram followers, startled her fans when she nearly completely removed all of her images from the platform and only left three posts behind. Waidhofer only remained in three positions. In the days and weeks before her death, it was determined that she had done this.
Her family also said that “The challenges that she faced did not define her niece. She was generous and caring, creative and talented, intellectual and challenging. She was lovely and kind.
She was sensitive and hilarious. She was creative and talented. We take comfort in the knowledge that she has been reunited with her father, her three grandparents, her Uncle Rusty, and her beloved Puff; that she is now free to be herself; and that she is finally at peace.
While it is extremely painful to say goodbye, we take comfort in the knowledge that she has been reunited with all of these people.”