Former First Lady Melania Trump and Rep. Walorski lay forth strategies to help foster children in the United States

Melania Trump (image credit: Getty Images)
In a recent Fox News op-ed, Congresswoman Jackie Walorski and former First Lady Melania Trump present a plan to support America’s foster children and youth.
They provided a path to equip older children with the skills and tools they need to succeed as adults, in addition to measures to improve care for all foster children.
“Across the country, thousands of children entrusted to the foster care system are searching for direction, answers, and hope — and America must deliver,” wrote Congresswoman Walorski and Mrs. Trump.
Congresswoman Walorski and Mrs. Trump have worked together for numerous years to promote American foster children, youth, and families.
Congress enacted Rep. Walorski’s bipartisan Supporting Foster Youth and Families Through the Outbreak Act with Mrs. Trump’s help to give prompt, commonsense relief during the COVID-19 pandemic.
As per 953mnc, Congresswoman Walorski and Mrs. Trump outline attainable goals for supporting and equipping vulnerable children and youth in the foster care system in their new op-ed, including reauthorizing federal programs set to expire this year, investing in workforce development for older foster youth, removing barriers to relative caregiving, and expanding access to care to ensure that every foster child has a safe home.
“This May, we ask Americans to join us in marking National Foster Care Month by helping children and youth in foster care and by celebrating all — from foster parents and caregivers, coaches to community volunteers — who stand by them,” they continue. “Together, we can uplift children in the foster care community and foster a brighter future.”
Congresswoman Walorski, the top Republican on the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Worker and Family Support, is an advocate for child welfare problems such as foster care.