Melania Trump Reflects on Motherhood and Decision to Have Only One Child

Barron Trump, the only child of Donald and Melania Trump, was born on March 20, 2006, just under 14 months after the couple married. While they had planned for a pregnancy, Donald Trump expressed his surprise at how quickly it happened. In January 2006, he told People, “I was surprised by the speed of it. It happened very quickly.”

After Barron’s birth, the Trumps decided their family was complete. During a 2016 CNN Town Hall, Donald confirmed that more children weren’t in their plans, telling Anderson Cooper, “We’re not really thinking about more kids” (via Newsweek). However, in a September 2024 interview with Fox News, Melania Trump revealed that she was the one who was more adamant about having only one child.

“Donald was encouraging to have more, and I said I’m completely fine with one because it’s a very busy life,” she explained (via Daily Mail). “I’m in charge of everything. So, that’s why it’s just perfect.” Parenting requires significant time and energy, and from the beginning, Melania took on the bulk of the responsibilities. Donald, on the other hand, was not heavily involved in hands-on parenting, as Melania noted early on.

“I don’t expect him to walk down Fifth Avenue with a stroller,” she said in a 2006 People interview, referring to Donald’s limited involvement. Diaper duty was also not on Donald’s list of responsibilities, and he openly admitted that he didn’t plan to be present for Barron’s birth, further illustrating his distant role in day-to-day parenting.

Melania’s 2024 Fox News interview echoed sentiments she had expressed in previous years. In April 2013, she had similarly explained her decision to have only one child, citing her busy schedule. “I don’t like to say never, but my life is very busy,” she told ABC News. “We are happy and my hands are full with my two boys — my big boy and my little boy,” she added with a nod to Donald Trump.

At the time, Melania was juggling her work as an entrepreneur and staying involved in Barron’s numerous sports activities. As a result of spending so much time together, Melania and Barron developed a close relationship. Although the Trump family’s lavish lifestyle would have easily allowed for a nanny, Melania chose to take an active role in Barron’s upbringing.

By the time Barron turned nine, their nanny was no longer in the picture, and with Donald frequently traveling, Melania took full charge of parenting. “I am with him all the time,” she told People in 2015. During Barron’s childhood, Melania adjusted her schedule to prioritize his needs, including dropping him off and picking him up from school daily.

When Donald Trump won the 2016 presidential election, Melania delayed her move to Washington, D.C., until the school year ended to ensure a smooth transition for Barron from New York to the White House. Throughout Barron’s upbringing, Melania has consistently made motherhood her top priority, emphasizing her hands-on approach and her desire to create a stable and supportive environment for her son.