Liz Cheney Endorses Kamala Harris for President, Cites “Danger” Posed by Trump

 Liz Cheney Endorses Kamala Harris for President, Cites “Danger” Posed by Trump


Former Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney has publicly endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president, emphasizing the “danger” posed by former President Donald Trump and stating that the country doesn’t have the “luxury” to consider third-party candidates. The endorsement, made at a Duke University public policy event, was captured in new audio shared on X (formerly Twitter) on Wednesday evening.

“Because we are in North Carolina, I think it is crucially important for people to recognize not only the danger that Trump poses, something that should prevent people from voting for him, but I don’t believe we have the luxury of writing in candidates’ names, particularly in swing states,” Cheney said to the audience, told CNN.

Cheney, the daughter of former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney, explained her reasoning from a conservative standpoint, saying she had reflected deeply on the choice. “As a conservative and someone who believes and cares about the Constitution, I have thought deeply about this, and because of the danger that Donald Trump poses, not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, but I will be voting for Kamala Harris.”

Cheney’s statement was met with applause from the audience, signaling support for her stance. Cheney, a staunch critic of Trump, has consistently voiced concerns about his impact on American democracy and the rule of law. This endorsement of Harris, a Democratic candidate, highlights the gravity of her concerns about Trump’s potential return to power.

The endorsement is significant, given Cheney’s conservative background and her role as a former high-ranking Republican in Congress. Her decision to back Harris underscores the ongoing divisions within the GOP over Trump’s influence and the future of American politics.

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