“Foolish and Dangerous”: Leon Panetta Endorses “Cool-Headed” Kamala Harris, Warns Against Trump

 “Foolish and Dangerous”: Leon Panetta Endorses “Cool-Headed” Kamala Harris, Warns Against Trump

(Mandel Ngan/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images)

Former Defense Secretary and CIA Director Leon Panetta delivered a strong endorsement of Kamala Harris for president during the Democratic National Convention on Thursday, warning that it would be “foolish and dangerous” to re-elect former President Donald Trump. Speaking to an energized crowd in Chicago, Panetta praised Harris for her steady leadership and contrasted it sharply with what he sees as the reckless approach of Trump.

Panetta, known for his extensive career in national security, highlighted his own accomplishments, including his pivotal role in ordering the operation that led to the death of Osama bin Laden. “Because nobody attacks our country and gets away with it,” Panetta declared emphatically, drawing applause. “Nobody!” He underscored that this decisive action exemplifies what American warriors are trained to do.

“Our warriors need a tough, cool-headed commander-in-chief to defend our democracy from tyrants and terrorists,” Panetta continued, emphasizing the importance of leadership that is both resolute and measured, as per reports The Daily Beast.

Turning his focus to Trump, Panetta did not mince words. He accused the former president of policies that would “abandon” U.S. allies and leave America isolated on the world stage. “We tried that in the 1930s. It was foolish and dangerous then, and it’s foolish and dangerous now,” Panetta warned, drawing a historical parallel to the isolationist policies that preceded World War II.

Panetta then highlighted what he views as the stark contrast between Trump and Harris. “Trump tells tyrants, like Putin, they can do whatever the hell they want. Kamala Harris tells tyrants, the hell you can. Not on my watch,” Panetta stated, drawing a clear line between the two leaders’ approaches to international relations and national security.

Panetta’s endorsement of Harris focused on her ability to provide the steady, principled leadership he believes the country needs, particularly in the face of global threats. His speech served as a call to action for voters who are concerned about the direction of U.S. foreign policy and the preservation of democratic values.

As the crowd responded with enthusiasm, Panetta’s words echoed the broader theme of the convention: a push for leadership that is both strong and empathetic, and a stark warning against a return to the policies of the Trump era.

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