Gorsuch Warns Biden on Supreme Court Reform: “Be Careful”

 Gorsuch Warns Biden on Supreme Court Reform: “Be Careful”

Photo: Demetrius Freeman/The Washington Post via Getty

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch recently issued a stark warning to President Joe Biden regarding the president’s efforts to reform the nation’s highest court. Gorsuch’s cautionary message has led political observers to ask, “Or what?” In response to Biden’s proposals to restructure the Supreme Court, Gorsuch reportedly stated, “I just say: Be careful.”

Expanding on his concerns, Gorsuch posed a rhetorical question: “The independent judiciary … What does it mean to you as an American? It means that when you’re unpopular, you can get a fair hearing.” These comments sparked significant debate and criticism online. Former Naval College professor and political analyst Tom Nichols succinctly responded, “Or what?” echoing the skepticism of many.

Award-winning journalist Josh Marshall also weighed in, posting, “Nice Republic you have [there]. Shame if something happened to it,” suggesting that Gorsuch’s warning carried an implicit threat to the stability of the nation’s democratic institutions.

Reed Galen, co-founder of The Lincoln Project, highlighted the balance of power outlined in the Constitution. “Funny thing about the Constitution, there are three co-equal branches of government,” he wrote, adding, “At least, that’s how it’s supposed to be.”

Meagan Hatcher-Mays, former director of democracy policy at Indivisible, criticized Gorsuch’s stance. “Unsurprisingly, Neil Gorsuch thinks the greatest threat to an independent judiciary is not ‘rich guys who buy me cool things in exchange for my rulings’ but ‘laws passed by democratically-elected officials that would require me to stop being corrupt.'”

Journalist Jim Stewartson did not mince words, calling Gorsuch “a fraud who lied in his confirmation hearing and was only installed after Mitch McConnell changed the number of Justices on SCOTUS from 9 to 8.” He warned, “If [President Biden] allows them back in the building, they WILL overthrow the election. LOCK THE DOORS until next Congress.”

Former Republican Jack Hopkins added his voice to the chorus of dissent, stating, “Neil Gorsuch said ‘Be careful’ about President Biden’s suggested plan for the United States Supreme Court. No. You be careful. The American people will demand those changes and support President Harris and our elected officials in making those changes.”

The heated reactions to Gorsuch’s comments reflect the deep divisions and high stakes surrounding the debate on Supreme Court reform. As the conversation continues, it remains to be seen how these tensions will influence future policy decisions and the broader political landscape.

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