“And we will do it again!” Eric Trump Faces Backlash Over ‘Disgusting’ Memorial Day Weekend Post

 “And we will do it again!” Eric Trump Faces Backlash Over ‘Disgusting’ Memorial Day Weekend Post

AP Photo/Mary Altaffer

Eric Trump, son of former President Donald Trump, has stirred significant controversy over a Memorial Day weekend post on social media that many are calling “particularly disgusting.” The uproar began after Eric shared an image on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, featuring himself, Donald Trump Jr., and Melania Trump.

The caption of the photo stated, “The family that gave up everything to Save America. Thank You!” to which Eric responded, “And we will do it again!” The timing and content of the post drew immediate criticism from various quarters, including from conservative commentator Bill Kristol, who found it distasteful to share such a message during Memorial Day weekend—a time traditionally reserved for honoring U.S. military personnel who have died in service. “Particularly disgusting to post this on Memorial Day weekend,” Kristol remarked.

Social media users quickly echoed Kristol’s sentiments. One user, @mamajello, commented, “I’m with you. Tasteless to post that this weekend…or any day. They have sacrificed nothing.” The criticism intensified as others joined in the condemnation.

@IvanasStairCam listed a series of controversies associated with the Trump family, questioning Eric’s statement by saying, “You’ll do what again? Steal from children with cancer? Sell top secret classified documents? Incite an insurrection?” This was followed by other accusations reflecting on past allegations against the Trump family.

@Leslieoo7 pointed out the irony in Eric’s use of the word “sacrifice,” noting, “The families that gave up everything for this country have family members buried at Arlington.” This user highlighted the inappropriateness of comparing the Trump family’s political and business dealings to the sacrifices made by military families.

The sentiment was further amplified by @DeniseBalistre1, who criticized the Trump family’s handling of the presidency, asserting, “Trump lied about his wealth and used the presidency to enrich himself and his family and will do it again if given the opportunity.” She expressed outrage over the misuse of the term “sacrifice,” especially during a weekend meant to honor true heroes, referencing past controversial comments made by Donald Trump about military personnel.

The backlash underscores a broader dissatisfaction with how the Trump family’s narrative of “sacrifice” sits within the context of national remembrance and respect for military sacrifices, revealing deep divides in public perception and respect for traditional values tied to Memorial Day.

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