“We Can Start with the Closed Doors Discussions on Milkshakes” Former Pence Aide Responds to Biden’s Cognitive Fitness Concerns

 “We Can Start with the Closed Doors Discussions on Milkshakes” Former Pence Aide Responds to Biden’s Cognitive Fitness Concerns

Evelyn Hockstein/AFP/Getty Images

Following the publication of the Wall Street Journal’s piece titled “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping,” Olivia Troye, a former top aide to ex-Vice President Mike Pence, offered insights into former President Donald Trump’s cognitive abilities. On X (formerly Twitter), Troye invited the Journal to discuss Trump’s mental acuity, referencing peculiar topics reportedly raised by Trump during official meetings, such as discussions on milkshakes during intelligence briefings, windmills causing cancer, and the effects of bleach.

The Wall Street Journal’s article highlighted concerns about President Biden’s age and cognitive fitness as he campaigns for a second term. While the White House and Biden’s aides defend his mental sharpness and vigor, the report suggested that his performance might be influenced by his age, a sentiment echoed by some members from both political parties.

MSNBC’s Steve Benen criticized the Journal’s reporting approach, pointing out that it seemed to favor Republican viewpoints, particularly noting that assessments of Biden’s performance were largely sourced from GOP critics. This includes comments from current and former Republican House Speakers, Mike Johnson and Kevin McCarthy, respectively, suggesting a partisan slant in the narrative during an election season.

Simultaneously, a Salon article referenced a diagnosis by Dr. Elizabeth Zoffman, a forensic psychiatrist from the University of British Columbia, who proposed that Trump might be suffering from behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia. This claim adds another layer to the ongoing discussion about the cognitive health of political leaders, particularly those who have been or are seeking the presidency.

The debate over cognitive fitness is not limited to one party. As highlighted by former MAGA White House press secretary Sarah Matthews, Trump, who is not much younger than Biden, has also made public gaffes. She pointed out the irony in Republicans criticizing Biden for similar missteps, noting that Trump had confused his former GOP rival Nikki Haley with ex-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi during a rally.

This ongoing dialogue reflects the heightened scrutiny of the mental and physical fitness of candidates, especially given the demanding nature of the presidency. Both sides of the aisle face questions about their leaders’ ability to manage the stresses and responsibilities of office, underscoring the importance of transparency and assessment in political leadership.

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