Business Horoscope September 23 to September 29

Having the Moon in your income sector as you move into the new week will always be an advantage, but especially as this puts the Moon here as the Sun leaves your work sector on Monday and Pluto moves into his first weekend in direct motion in your business sector, after his direct turn over the weekend. This brings you to a pivotal turning point in your professional year, but also a point where you need to stand back and let things settle for a few weeks, giving you a chance to pay attention to what a nose for money is telling you. With Mars not returning to your work sector until the 16th October, this gives Pluto and your business situation the time to gain some momentum. In the meantime, you have a few weeks where you can step back and let things settle before the next push begins.
As he does at this time every year, the Sun’s return to your work sector on Monday will throw the solar spotlight on your work situation, matters and options, bringing a month long annual review. Yet as the Sun returns he’ll find that the wheels are already turning and that with Venus having been and gone you know where your heart stands and with Mercury here, that you’re already working smarter and have had a chance to work at the drawing board. With Mercury leaving your work sector next Monday this gives you just 7 days to work with the Sun’s transparency and Mercury’s intellectual savvy to get your groove on, as you take things into a more realistic phase. The Moon’s return to your income sector midweek will ensure you have a nose for money at this critical point in your working year.
After last week’s huge professional week, which saw a Full Moon in your business sector come to a head just as a major triple alignment between Venus, Saturn and the North Node peaked in your work sector, you have a chance this week to let things settle. While the Moon has since moved on from your business sector, like a bell that can’t be unrung a powerful message has been delivered, while at the same time the players on both the work and business fronts are all still here and all just as actively engaged. What last week’s triple alignment has done however is put Venus in the lead and not due to leave your work sector until the 8th October your heart is having a much greater say and needs to be listened to when it comes to work matters. The decisions making can wait for now.
Thanks to the Moon’s position in your business sector over the weekend, while he’s moved on before the new week begins, you’re able to move into your new working week with your professional instincts sharp and some valuable clues, hunches and insights that you’re only just starting to process. While the Moon visits your business sector once a month and each visit is important, this last visit has been especially important, which is why you need to continue to trust your instincts. For this was the Moon’s last visit to your business sector before next month’s potentially game changing lunar eclipse, his last before Venus returns to open new doors on the work front on the 8th October and before Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos leaves your income sector on the 16th October.
Having the Moon in your business sector as you move into a new working week will always give you an edge, ensuring that your professional instincts are sharp from the get go while making it important to keep your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground. But this is not just any week, for this puts the Moon in your business sector and your professional instincts especially sharp just as the Sun leaves your income sector on Monday and as Pluto, having turned direct in your work sector over the weekend, spends his first full week in direct motion. As well as giving you an edge just as the tide has turned, with forces on all three fronts remaining strong for the rest of the year and beyond, this is a chance to put your income, work and business objectives on the same page.
At a time when you have no planetary activity in either of your professional houses, either now or for the rest of the year, the Moon’s monthly visits to both your work and business sectors have become your lifeline and the key to remaining on track. This means that regardless of the conditions in play this week, the Moon’s return to your business sector on Tuesday and position here in the middle days of the week would have given you an advantage, not only sharpening your professional instincts but providing clues on how to access untapped potential. However, the advantage goes beyond that, with the Moon’s return just as the Sun is spending his first full day in your income sector giving you a chance to put your professional and income objectives on the same page.
After last week’s Full Moon in your work sector and a massive coming together of income forces, while on both fronts this is still a work in progress, you have a chance this week to step back and let things settle. While the Moon has moved on from your work sector, the planetary forces that are keeping things in motion are still there, but now having all that the Full Moon triggered to process and work through. Last week was a huge week for both work and income matters, with a chance now to let this play out. It’s the Moon’s return to your business sector on Friday and position here over the weekend that will see your professional instincts kick in, along with a chance to regroup, putting your income, work and business objectives on the same page, putting everything into perspective.
Because the Moon only left your work sector over the weekend and less than 24 hours before the new week begins, there is a need to keep your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground, trusting your instincts from the get go. This was the Moon’s last visit to your work sector before next month’s potentially game changing lunar eclipse and his first, last and only visit during Mars’ 7 week visit to your business sector and his last before Venus returns to your income sector on the 8th October. With things due to come together on the income, work and business fronts in October, your intuitive hunches and any Eureka moments experienced over the weekend will provide some timely clues, especially when it comes to lining up at the right doors before they open.
Having the Moon in your work sector as you move into the new week will always be an advantage, giving you an intuitive edge from the get go, but also making it important to keep your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground. However, this puts the Moon in the right place at the right time, giving you an intuitive edge just as Pluto is spending his first week in direct motion in your income sector and as the Sun leaves your business sector on Monday. It’s that intuitive edge that will allow you to sense that as the Sun leaves and things ease back that this isn’t the end, that there is more to come. This is a chance to regroup before Mars returns to your business sector on the 16th October, by which time Pluto should be starting to gain some traction for you on the income front.
The Sun’s return to your business sector will throw the solar spotlight on your business and professional situation, matters and options, as he does at this time every year. This is when you get to see things as they really are and not how you either want them to be or think that they are. This is when the reality checks start, with the Sun’s month long visit all about creating an authentic new starting point, getting everything out in the open. Yet the Sun will turn the lights on, revealing a very different situation to the last 3 years, while also revealing how much progress has already been made. Rather than challenge the professional desires and expectations and mindset already developed, if anything this will reveal that you’ve underestimated the conditions and advantages.
After last week’s huge week on both the business and income fronts you have a chance to let things settle this week, to a point if you don’t you might be forced to. Last week saw a Full Moon peak in your income sector, just as a major triple alignment peaked in your business sector at the same time, revealing just how much potential and options you have. As Venus takes the lead in your business sector your professional desires and expectations will only deepen, but also become more serious as you realise you really do have the power to move mountains if you have to. It’s the Moon’s position in your home and family sector as you move into the new week and opposition with business forces that will bring home the need for work/life balance, just when you really do need to let things settle.
Because the Moon only left your income sector over the weekend and less than 24 hours before the new week began, you’re able to move into the new week with a nose for money and a need to keep your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground. This was not only the Moon’s last visit to your income sector before next month’s lunar eclipse, but his only visit during Mars’ 7 week visit to your work sector and his last before Venus returns to your business sector on the 6th October. With Mars not leaving your work sector until the 16th October and his final weeks due to be the most frenetic, he’ll still be firing up your passions and fighting spirit when Venus opens new doors on the business front in just a few weeks time. Holding onto a nose for money is key to bringing it all together. – Astrolis