Business Horoscope September 11 to September 17

From Sunday, September 11 2011 – 12:00am
To Saturday, September 17 2011 – 11:59pm
There is much to do this Sunday–fortunately you have the energy to match your goals. You can expect a sense of support and good will from those around you. Free your mind while you work or tend to your projects and find your sense of humor–laugh. Research and statistics and writing your findings could be very important this Monday. Setting a reasonable pace this Tuesday is as important in a physical exercise routine as it is in keeping up a pace in cognitive shores. You work hurriedly now to complete tasks that are difficult to complete in one day’s time. You do not mind getting your hands dirty and you do not mind hard work, especially if it is in an area that can help you make a positive difference this Wednesday. Extra effort into any business project adds a touch of class to your work situation. It is imperative that you have the whole story before you make firm decisions this Thursday. This Friday is a time during which circumstances bend to your will and things have a way of working out smoothly. Saturday is a time when you may feel very passionate, or during which your feelings, emotions and basic life urges undergo change. You feel more personal and direct and find that you waste less time with hurt feelings than before.
Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope:
This Sunday is a busy day and one might find you huffing and puffing often. You can get more done than the average person and some things you have been putting off are included in your rush to ready yourself for the week ahead. Organizing a business conference or part of a business conference may be on your shoulders this Monday. You look for new avenues to improve working conditions this Tuesday. Your direction becomes very clear this week. There is an emphasis on improving communications this Wednesday. There is not only the possibility of learning new software programs for your work computer but some type of robot or mechanical device appears to be productive. Your instinctive orientation this Thursday is toward getting down to basics and starting over from scratch–healing comes from destroying the roots of a disturbance. Clear communication skills are what you strive to achieve. You may end up being grateful for the confusing energies that are coming to you this Friday. There is much progress! Your emotions are very present but within control. The recreation or civic center in your city will have suggestions for your consideration this Saturday. This is a great way to build self-esteem.
Weekly Pisces Horoscope:
Although you may not recognize that you have intuition, it is strong and you use it in helping others this Sunday. You are sensitive, kind and gentle. This Monday is a real time for communication–by phone, by letter or in person. The mind is clear and you can be most persuasive with others. A meeting or planned event has been canceled and most of this Tuesday is yours. You like to become positively connected to the professional associates around you so you may find a way to share the noon meal and have a meeting at the same time. You are up early this Wednesday morning, cleaning and preparing for an evening of fun with friends. Some activity like a progressive dinner, or just snacks, sandwiches and some card games may be enjoyed. You find yourself in a very practical mood and working with others this Thursday. You may have some serious or contemplative moments. There is a lot of energy and drive available this Friday for whatever you want to accomplish. You could be most persuasive with others and find that the ideas or feelings you have will get a better reception. A state of grace is probably going to be one of the uppermost things that will soothe your furrowed brow this Saturday. It is time to move forward.
Weekly Aquarius Horoscope:
You have a fine sense of appreciation and are very attentive to your loved ones this Sunday. You love to help and take care of others, expressing a first-rate sense of compassion. You may want to enter a request when it comes time for an employee review this Monday. If you see that you would do better in public relations, or in some other department, start a project that would help you show off your talents. You find yourself in a very practical mood and may have some serious or contemplative moments this Tuesday. Mental organization and discipline may fall apart or be challenged this Wednesday. This is a busy day and the input from others may cause you to change your plans and just follow the feelings of the day. You will find opportunities this Thursday to get to know your co-workers better. This is also a time when you can expect a little boost, some sort of extra support from those around you. You can become frustrated this Friday when too many different subjects grab your attention. Stress and finances are present this Saturday. In other words, even though stress is present, rewards are available–take them. Late afternoon will give you time away from the stress and there are opportunities to enjoy laughing with friends.
Weekly Aries horoscope:
Sympathy and understanding come into play this Sunday as you interact with friends and family. It’s wisdom, not knowledge, that counts now. Taking care of business is a major theme where your emotional orientation is concerned this Monday. There is intellectual creativity–you express yourself well. After the workday is over this Tuesday, you will make time to phone the people that can help you with a project. Someone may try to hold you back from accomplishing your work this Wednesday, but some patience will win out over any frustration you may be feeling. Your knack for public relations can place you in personnel management, retail sales, or advertising. This Thursday you want to be admired and appreciated by others–to do and create things that stir their hearts. You find that you can really use your mind to make clear choices and think through ideas. You have a natural instinct for making the correct move. A new pet or an old pet with a new toy is a laugh a minute this Friday evening. Saturday is a high-energy day where much can be accomplished. As a result you can expect a little boost; some sort of extra support or recognition from those around you. You may feel that you are in touch and in harmony with others.
Weekly Taurus Horoscope:
You may be very forceful in what you say and think this Sunday. You have much mental drive to accomplish whatever you set out to do. You got it . . . another high cycle day! You could come up with new solutions or inventions this Monday. Make important overtures, communicating your intentions and requirements in business situations this Tuesday. Your direct manner and clear thinking can surprise those who are more guarded. You may find yourself frustrated this Wednesday. Patience . . . remember, some of us just do not understand the universal rule: What goes around will come around. This Thursday may just prove to be a day of much accomplishment. Headway is made in some work project, as well as some personal project. The energies are working in your favor in all areas of your life this Friday. If you are not a boss or owner of a company, you might consider requesting a raise or promotion. New ways to communicate or an easy manner will make conversations and interactions with others go very well this Saturday. You may be instructing your loved ones in the use of a new computer, phone system, etc. This is a more open time when loved ones can relate and communicate well.
Weekly Gemini Horoscope:
Faith, optimism and a yearning to explore all kinds of new horizons are some of the focal points in your life this Sunday. Travel, education and other ways to stretch your horizons open new doors of opportunity. You have a lot of energy to pour into practical decisions this Monday. You may appear assertive. Right now, the key to career moves involve attending to nagging details–whatever you have neglected and put aside. Address the need to improve working conditions this Tuesday. Remember that the bottom line is to increase productivity, not to cater to the whims of others. Remember that tiny causes can lead to big effects. There are new accomplishments this Wednesday as well as new insights and breakthroughs in organization and determination. There is a lot of energy and drive available for you to accomplish whatever you want to achieve this Thursday. You enjoy working with others, particularly if you can catch up on all the gossip. You may catch yourself daydreaming several times this Friday. Be particularly vigilant when signing contracts or performing duties that are made up of little details. Support and recognition are in your future this Saturday, from both the public and from family and friends.
Weekly Cancer Horoscope:
Faith, optimism and a yearning to explore all kinds of new horizons are some of the focal points in your life this Sunday. Travel, education and other ways to stretch your horizons open new doors of opportunity. You have a lot of energy to pour into practical decisions this Monday. You may appear assertive. Right now, the key to career moves involve attending to nagging details–whatever you have neglected and put aside. Address the need to improve working conditions this Tuesday. Remember that the bottom line is to increase productivity, not to cater to the whims of others. Remember that tiny causes can lead to big effects. There are new accomplishments this Wednesday as well as new insights and breakthroughs in organization and determination. There is a lot of energy and drive available for you to accomplish whatever you want to achieve this Thursday. You enjoy working with others, particularly if you can catch up on all the gossip. You may catch yourself daydreaming several times this Friday. Be particularly vigilant when signing contracts or performing duties that are made up of little details. Support and recognition are in your future this Saturday, from both the public and from family and friends.
Weekly Leo Horoscope:
You may want to organize or rearrange your living situation. You may find ways this Sunday that will help make it easier to help you remember to put things in their proper place. You seem to shine above all others this Monday as matters keep coming up that give you opportunities to show off your creative abilities. It seems as if everyone is asking for a handout this Tuesday. Perhaps it is payback time or perhaps you did not realize that you had more than you really needed. Communicating your message to others is at a high this Wednesday. You are successful in your efforts to round people up and organize a group. Your timing should be perfect. As you interact with others in the workplace this Thursday, you might notice a more peaceful type of atmosphere. You are at your most practical when it comes to dealing and working with others and you are appreciative of the good relations that have been created in the workplace. Friday may be a challenging day, but one where much can be accomplished. You may have decided to get more education, take or give lectures or improve your writing skills, etc. Whatever the case, this is a good time to involve yourself in new projects. Do not allow others to sidetrack you this Saturday.
Weekly Virgo Horoscope:
Social connections are on your mind this Sunday–on a more intellectual level than in the past, most likely. Powerful changes within you are demanding recognition and this may mean a new artistic interest or talent. This Monday, you may benefit from other people’s money–perhaps through a loan or through some investment. This Tuesday is a rewarding day–whatever you want to achieve today is yours for little effort. Higher education, publishing, broadcasting or advertising could play an unexpected role in setting new directions. You could be most persuasive with others and eloquent in speech this Wednesday. People listen to what you have to say. Your abilities to solve problems are certainly in high focus, particularly this Thursday. Your mind is full of practical ideas, particularly related to your skills. You always seem to come up with new ideas to manage things better, make things work. Connections with business associates and attending meetings or conferences can put you in a solid position regarding your career this Friday. A new item of technology may keep you busy this evening. Fondness and appreciation for the past and for your roots in life take on a greater importance this Saturday.
Weekly Libra Horoscope:
Communications are simplified this Sunday; connections of all kinds, news and so on, are furthered, which could mean the purchase of a camera, new phone, computer or some other form of communication. Competition seems to spur you into achieving things you never thought you could accomplish this Monday. Your creative side is in full swing this Tuesday and others may help you decide if you can pull in some money for your creative ideas. You may be learning all about art shows, exhibitions, etc. Ideas and interaction with older people may be in the works this Wednesday. Working with, rather than against, the energies today should be easy to do. Organizing and administering to people and projects are talents you enjoy being able to express this Thursday. If you have not noticed this Friday, the more you stay involved in creative activities such as some forms of art or writing, you will keep an open flow of action and business in the workplace; creative thinking. You gain recognition for your cleverness. You can demonstrate great sensitivity to the needs of others this Saturday and are in a good position to communicate with matters concerning the family. Obtaining and exchanging information is important today.
Weekly Scorpio Horoscope:
If there is something that needs to be said on the home front this Sunday–speak up now. Others lend their support to whatever you want to accomplish. Move forward instead of backward and keep your thinking in a forward moving mode. Information that you have been questioning will begin to take shape and prove useful this Monday. Take some time to show thankfulness for another’s contribution to a particular project this Tuesday. Quick answers, great wit and a surplus of insights and solutions are accessible this Wednesday. You can write and communicate with real originality. Inventions and breakthroughs are possible today. A co-worker may need your help this Thursday; in fact, several co-workers or peers may need your help. You could find yourself teaching others. You show off your creative side tonight. Before you act on your new idea this Friday, consider your sources. Make sure that the reason for this new idea is still a sound one after you have checked the facts. When it comes to mental work, you have a perfect gift for research and investigation. This Saturday is a good day to spend with a loved one. Emotions are up and you may even find yourself pondering a bit on the meaning of life.