Business Horoscope October 21 to October 27

Aries Horoscope
Despite the fact that you may need to deal with some work/life balance issues later in the week, this is now a fact of life and is simply a chance to take care of any housekeeping, with your professional confidence returning to a point where even this can be mastered with a fresh sense of resolve. This has been a gradual turnaround that began with Pluto’s direct turn in your business sector a month ago, on the 21st September, so gradual that you may not have noticed, until that is Mars’ returned to your work sector last week. As Mars spends his first full week in your work sector he’s being joined by the Moon in the early days of the week, who will not only give you a nose for money but will provide the glue to put your income, work and business objectives on the same page.
Taurus Horoscope
Move into the week with your work hat on, your eyes open and your head out of the sand and with almost tunnel vision, focused on making sure everything is out in the open, while taking on board any wakeup calls or revelations that the weekends’ lunar eclipse may have forced to the surface. Yet while you may move into the new week expecting the same work tension that was still escalating at the end of last week, you’ll not only find that it defused over the weekend, but there is a new sense of resolve. There is something liberating about getting things out in the open and no longer having to pretend or ignore things. The Moon’s position in your income sector as the Sun leaves your work sector midweek will give you a nose for money and a sense that this isn’t the end of the story.
Gemini Horoscope
Don’t be alarmed by any work tension at the start of the week or the roadblocks or the sense that things have become stalled, for while you’re working into some fairly intense conditions on Monday, that are likely to create a case of Mondayitis, things are nowhere near as bad as they may seem and it is in fact working to your advantage. The pressure is coming from the Moon’s opposition with Mercury, just as he’s turning retrograde in your work sector. This would have created work tension anyway and a valuable chance for your instincts to play devil’s advocate, but is exacerbated by the fact that it comes just as Mercury is stalled and as the misunderstandings and mishaps that often come with a Mercury retrograde phase kick in. Bless anything that forces you to stop and pay attention.
Cancer Horoscope
While the Moon left your business sector shortly after the weekend’s lunar eclipse, like a bell that can’t be unrung this has brought revelations to the surface that will define the rest of your professional year and beyond. With Uranus, planet of surprise, synchronicity and the unexpected not only in your business sector all year but having returned in 2010 and not leaving until 2019, he’s here for the long haul, what the weekend’s lunar eclipse triggered has probably been building behind the scenes all year. With everything out in the open you’re now a lot more aware with where things stand, where you’ve been and where you’re going and with Venus not leaving your work sector until early next month, a chance to put your time and energy into the things that matter.
Leo Horoscope
While moving into a new working week with the Moon in your business sector will always be an advantage, sharpening your professional instincts and ensuring that you’ve got your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground from the get go, the advantage is far greater than that. For this not only puts the Moon in your business sector as Mars spends his first full week in your income sector and as you begin the serious job of lining up any glass ceilings in your crosshairs, but when he leaves on Tuesday Venus will be just 2 weeks away from her game changing visit to your work sector. With the Moon in your business sector in the early days of the week, your professional instincts are able to pick up on the forces already in play on the income, work and business fronts, melding them together.
Virgo Horoscope
With no planetary activity in either of your professional houses the Moon’s visit to your business sector this week was always going to be important, not only because of the professional instincts this sharpens but the chance this gives you to tap into the momentum you’ve already gained. Yet what is so important about the Moon’s visit this week, is less about the edge this gives you, which will always be the case and more about the timing. The Moon will return to your business sector on Tuesday and leave on Thursday, which means that your professional instincts will be sharp and you’ll have your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground when the Sun leaves your income sector on Wednesday, ready to spot and run with any last minute opportunities being triggered.
Libra Horoscope
You’ve reached a point in the year where it may feel that you’re moving in slow motion and professionally that you’re pushing boulders uphill or that you’re fighting just to retain the same momentum and traction. Yet rather than something broken that needs to be fixed or a need to dig deep and work harder, you need to do the reverse, standing back and enjoying the slower pace. For your reality is, that with Neptune and Chiron slowing down ahead of their direct turn in your work sector next month and Jupiter slowing down ahead of his retrograde turn in your business sector early next month, the pace really has slowed down and purposely so. This gives you a chance to let things play out. The Moon’s return to your business sector on Thursday will give you a better read on things.
Scorpio Horoscope
After Mars’ departure from your business sector last week and the weekend’s lunar eclipse in your work sector, everything is out in the open, all your professional cards are on the table and you’ve reached a point in the year where what you see is what you get. Mars not only wrapped up his own 6 week visit to your work sector, aimed at gaining as much traction on the work front as possible, but all the planetary activity for the year. At the same time, while the weekend’s lunar eclipse brought you to the point that everything all year had been leading up to and everything from now will lead on from, it has also dispelled any urgency. This gives you a chance to let things settle, with the Moon’s return to your business sector over the weekend a chance to sum up your professional objectives.
Sagittarius Horoscope
Moving into a new working week with the Moon in your work sector will always be an advantage, giving you an intuitive edge from the get go and a chance to keep your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground. Yet this is no ordinary week and with Mars spending his first full week in your business sector, this will give you a chance to direct his professional passions and fighting spirit more effectively. While this may create some work tension and intensity in the early days of the week and a case of information overload, you’ll have the rest of the week to process what this triggered. With the Moon leaving on Tuesday, 2 weeks before Venus begins her longest visit to your income sector in over 200 years this is a chance to put your income, work and business objectives on the same page.
Capricorn Horoscope
While the weekend’s lunar eclipse may have brought some work/life balance issues to a head or created some real reality checks, you’re emerging into the new working week with a new sense of clarity, resolve and the kind of confidence that can only come after the air has been cleared and everything is out in the open. It was the pressure that the Moon put on the Sun in his final days in your business sector that has provided both the reality checks and the wakeup calls needed to make his final days count. Yet it’s the Moon’s position in your work sector midweek, which puts him here and your intuition and instincts sharp as the Sun leaves your business sector on Wednesday, that will reveal that this is still very much a work in progress, with the road to success remaining under construction.
Aquarius Horoscope
While the week might get off to an intense and pressured start, with any work/life balance tension likely to come to a head, even this will reveal itself as an advantage just a few days into the week. The Moon’s position in your home and family sector on Monday and his opposition with Mercury, just as he turns retrograde in your business sector, will bring any work/life balance tension to a head, just when you need to avoid making hasty moves or decisions. If this forces you to hold off taking any professional steps until after Tuesday then this will have saved you from the mistakes, misunderstandings and mishaps that often go with a Mercury retrograde phase. The Sun’s return to your business sector on Wednesday and the Moon’s to your work sector on Thursday will provide the clarity you need.
Pisces Horoscope
After Mars’ departure from your work sector last week and a lunar eclipse in your income sector over the weekend, everything is now out in the open, to a point where what you see is what you get, allowing you to see exactly what you have to work with. This is something that Venus is now taking charge of as she moves into the second half of her 4 week visit to your business sector. With the main push to get work matters up to speed and out in the open now behind you and income matters out in the open as well, you’re in a position where you get to choose how you’re going to use this. This marks a turning point in your professional year, where until now it’s been about responding to conditions thrust on you, whereas now it’s about how you’re going to play the hand you’ve been dealt.– Astrolis