Business Horoscope November 4 to November 10

Aries Horoscope
Following on from a sense of determination yesterday’s solar eclipse provided, not only financially but for anything that you feel passionate about, Venus’ return to your business sector and the most competitively charged part of your chart will allow you to capture and capitalise on the tailwind you now have at your back. It’s time to start setting your sights on the highest star in the sky, refusing to believe that anything is impossible.
Taurus Horoscope
Where yesterday’s solar eclipse created an opportunity to not only draw a powerful new line in the sand, but the ongoing support to take your personal and relationship power back, today’s cosmic shifts allow you to start the journey ahead with a brand new attitude. For today Venus not only gives your heart a chance to begin a new journey, she’s committing the next 4 months to making life as exciting as possible.
Gemini Horoscope
Venus is switching hats today, taking off her planet of love hat as she leaves your relationship sector and donning her planet of money hat as she returns to your financial sector. Where she has worked over the last 4 weeks to leave you with a clear sense of what you want from your relationships and what they need from you, she turns her focus to money matters today, where she’s committing the next 4 months to helping you to take your power back.
Cancer Horoscope
At the same time that the fallout from yesterday’s solar eclipse in your romantic sector is still playing out, your relationships are getting a major boost. As Venus returns to your relationship sector today she’s not only ahead of schedule, but begins her longest visit in over 200 years. The planet of love is putting everything aside and is committing the next 4 months into helping your relationships shine and she wants you on board from the get go as well.
Leo Horoscope
Since Pluto turned direct in your work sector on the 21st September life has been slowly becoming progressively busier, as the speed and pace increased and while Mars’ return to your income sector last month has fired up your financial passions and fighting spirit, today work matters get a major boost. It’s Venus’ return to your work sector that opens the door to months of stunning opportunities and a chance for things to start falling into place.
Virgo Horoscope
At first glance there is nothing out of the ordinary about Venus, planet of love’s return to your romantic sector today, especially as she was here earlier in the year and visits at least once a year. While it is unusual to see her here this early, with the last time she showed up in early November being 8 years ago, what your heart is really picking up on is the level of commitment, with today the start of Venus’ longest visit to your romantic sector in over 200 years.
Sagittarius Horoscope
While your birthday month and new solar year won’t even begin for another few weeks, as Venus leaves your sign today she leaves you with a clear sense of what you want from the future and with a heart that is committed to moving on. In the meantime, Venus returns to your income sector, not only beginning her longest visit in over 200 years but teaming up with Mars, who is already firing up your professional passions and fighting spirit.
Libra Horoscope
Just hours before Venus, planet of love leaves your communication sector today the Moon returns to ensure there is no sudden drop off. Where Venus has been working to give your heart a voice and to put heart and mind on the same page, the Moon is able to give your emotional responses a voice. This leaves your communications in safe hands, as Venus turns her attention to something very special developing on the home and family front.
Capricorn Horoscope
You receive an early Christmas gift today, in the form of Venus’ return to your sign, well ahead of schedule. Last year Venus didn’t return until the 16th December, but she’s not only returned far earlier in the year than is normally the case, she is here for her longest visit in over 200 years. This is the day that the fun and romance comes back into your life, but also when your heart develops a fresh sense of conviction and just a touch of rebellion.
Aquarius Horoscope
Chances are yesterday’s solar eclipse in your business sector has left you feeling spent or at least, with everything out in the open and a major tailwind at your back, that you can stop pushing so hard. Regardless of where you are on the professional ladder, there is a natural momentum in place that can keep the momentum going. This comes just as a desire for peace, quiet and a chance to hear yourself think kicks in.
Pisces Horoscope
With the Sun not returning to your business sector until later in the month, Venus’ departure today would have left you on your own, if it wasn’t for the fact that the Moon returns just a few hours earlier. As well as a chance to put your professional instincts, desires and expectations on the same page, at what is literally Venus’ 11th Hour here, this will ensure there is no sudden drop off and instead a chance to process things over the next few days. -Astrolis