Business Horoscope November 3 – November 9, 2014

Your Business Horoscope looks at your Business potential for the week ahead. Wondering whether a new business opportunity is going to come your way? How are your job prospects shaping up? Select your Sun Sign from the list below to view your Horoscope.
Aries Business Horoscope
It’s all go on the professional front this week as Mars and Pluto draw closer to their alignment in your Business sector next week. However, it’s not just that your professional passions and fighting spirit are taking on a new sense of urgency and the seeds of revolution are being sown that is setting things in motion, but the support from this week’s Full Moon. The Moon’s first visit to your income sector since Mars returned to your Business sector late last month was always going to be important, giving you a nose for money at what is a critical point in your professional year, but as a Full Moon this has the power to bring income matters to a head, turning and/or tipping point. There’s nothing like the hint of money in the air to get you and the planets of war and revolution motivated.
Taurus Business Horoscope
Due to leave your work sector on Sunday and in the progress bring 12 months of near continuous planetary activity to an end, Mercury is urging you to keep your head in the game, working with his intellectual savvy to tie up loose ends, work smarter and make any choices, decisions and plans that need to be made. However, nothing is ever black and white and with the Moon having just left your Business sector on Sunday, wrapping up one of the last visits before Mars returns early next month, there is also a need to trust your professional instincts and factor in an intuitive sense of what lies ahead. Your biggest danger this week is in developing tunnel vision, with listening to your professional instincts and using your imagination providing the balance you need.
Gemini Business Horoscope
Moving into the new week with the Moon in your Business sector is always an advantage, ensuring your professional instincts are sharp from the get go, but especially as this comes during what is also a defining week for both work and Business matters. This makes it important to move into the new week with your finger on the pulse and ear to the ground, using this as a viewing portal into powerful forces working behind the scenes. As the Moon’s last visit before Neptune and Chiron turn direct this comes with 20/20 hindsight, but as the only visit to your Business sector while the Sun and Venus are in your work sector, allows you to look to the future as well. As new doors open on the work front this is allowing you to tap into what’s already been invested professionally.
Cancer Business Horoscope
As Ceres spends her first full week in your work sector there is no doubt that the manic sense of having to chase time when Mars is here is gone, but what is missing is a sense that things have gone off the boil. You’re an intuitive sign and no doubt you’re seeing this quiet spell for what it is, a temporary reprieve that is buying you time to get things up to date, catch up on the things that can get you ahead or allow things run more smoothly in the future and to get a sense of where you want to put your time and energy. You know from past experience that come mid November the rest of the professional year becomes a blur and this year is no exception. The Moon’s visit to your Business sector midweek will sharpen your professional instincts and provide some big picture perspective.
Leo Business Horoscope
Things are looking good for Mars and Pluto as they move towards their alignment in your work sector next week, egging each other on. With no challenges this creates a bullish sense of confidence and while it may still be hard to get a sense of what you’re fighting for your drives, passions, fighting and competitive spirit are gaining a new sense of urgency. It’s Friday’s Full Moon in your Business sector that will provide the push that work matters need, for when this brings professional matters to a head, turning and/or tipping point and gives anything building behind the scenes a push, you’re more motivated and ready to run with whatever this triggers. By this point anything is going to seem like a good option, especially if it allows you to get on the field and start playing the game.
Virgo Business Horoscope
With no planetary activity in either of your professional houses the Moon’s monthly visits have become a lot more important, especially as this week their shadows fall over the early and later days of the week. As you move into the new week the Moon has left your work sector less than 24 hours earlier, making it important to move into what is an important week for income matters, continuing to trust your instincts and emotional responses. What was important about this visit is that it was one of the Moon’s last visits to your work sector before Mars returns early next month, leaving clues on what lies ahead. At the same time the Moon’s return to your Business sector over the weekend, the last before returning as a Full Moon next month, will also provide a better sense of direction.
Libra Business Horoscope
Moving into the new week with the Moon in your work sector is always going to be an advantage, but this week it goes above and beyond the obvious edge that having your finger on the pulse and ear to the ground from the get go brings. As the Moon’s last visit to your work sector while Neptune and Chiron are in retrograde motion and before they turn direct, is one last chance to tap into the 20/20 hindsight a clear view through the rear view mirror brings, but as the only visit while the Sun and Venus are in your income sector this is a chance to put income and work matters on the same page. However, with or without the Moon’s intuitive edge a partnership between income and work forces is in play, with the Moon simply giving you an intuitive read on what’s happening behind the scenes.
Scorpio Business Horoscope
At the same time that you don’t need help, with the professional and money gods already working together to make the next 12 months some of the best for income, work and Business matters and especially where they come together in decades, you’re able to gain some extra insight this week. It’s the Moon’s midweek visit to your work sector that not only provides an intuitive read on work matters, making it important to keep your finger on the pulse and ear to the ground, but will provide insight into what’s happening on the income and Business fronts as well. This will be a confidence booster, for it might seem that things have gone off the boil on the income, work and Business fronts. However, trust your gut when it’s telling you that you’ve bought yourself some time to get your ducks in a row.
Sagittarius Business Horoscope
With the planetary activity in your work and Business sectors for the year over, the focus is on where the money is, in what is turning out to be a fairly spectacular way. While Mars and Pluto won’t align in your income sector until next week, as the week progresses the planets of war and revolution will start fuelling each other as they fan the flames of revolution. With a very real chance to breakthrough some glass ceilings over the course of the next month all you need is a slight nudge from professional forces and you’ll get more than that this week. What you really need is for the professional gods to play a wildcard and that’s exactly what they’ll do with Friday’s Full Moon in your work sector. With the power to push events on the work front this is just what income forces need.
Capricorn Business Horoscope
After 12 months of near continuous planetary activity in your Business sector, including the nearly 8 months Mars spent fuelling your professional drives, passions, fighting and competitive spirit and the 9 months Ceres spent redefining your definition of success, it’s time to tie up loose ends and bring this incredible journey to a close. For when Mercury leaves your Business sector on Sunday this will finally bring a string of planetary influences that began on the 4th November 2013 to an end, while leaving in place a current that will keep the momentum going. Mercury’s final days brings a need to keep your head in the game, drawing on the experience and hindsight of the last 12 months. This is a good week for talks, discussions and creating a game plan, but avoid over thinking things.
Aquarius Business Horoscope
You have a real mixed bag this week, for while this is the week where the Sun and Venus, moving through your Business sector, face their only real challenge, they’re also getting a lot of support. It’s the Moon’s position in your income sector in the early days of the week that will not only give you a nose for money at a critical point in your professional year, but will highlight a partnership between income and Business forces. This creates a situation where the professional momentum you’re gaining is giving you access to untapped potential on the income front, with a nose for money kicking in at the right time. Friday’s Full Moon may bring work/life balance tension or issues to a head, but this provides a valuable reminder of a need to work smarter and pace yourself.
Pisces Business Horoscope
While things are fairly quiet on the professional front this week that’s just the way you want it, especially as the intensity levels are likely to be fairly high after Mars’ departure from your Business sector late last month. As Ceres, dwarf planet and goddess of the solar system spends her first full week in your Business sector, she’s giving you a chance to step back and before Venus returns on the 17th November and the Sun just a few days later, to redefine what you’re actually fighting for. Not due to leave until early in the New Year Ceres will play witness to some of the biggest professional developments you’ve seen in 30 years, something that at this point there’s only a hint of in the air. Chances are what you perceive as simply wishful thinking is more realistic than you think.