Business Horoscope May 28 to June 03

Things become more serious for Mars this week, for while he’s been in your work sector since last November, his longest visit in 47 years, it’s time to bring things home. While Mars won’t leave your work sector until early July, the Moon’s visit from Monday to Wednesday comes just as he’s ready to move into his last full month and just as you’ve cleared any roadblocks. After many ups and downs and false starts it’s time to put the pedal to the metal and go for it. For a planet that usually spends just 6 weeks in your work sector at a time, the 6 ½ months he’s already put in has given you the experience and the savvy to bring things home. As the Moon sharpens your instincts this will help you to pick your battles wisely, ensuring that your time and energy is going into the right places.
Since Saturn returned to your work sector in October 2009 the Moon’s monthly visits have helped you to keep track, giving you an intuitive read on the ever changing conditions. Saturn’s current retrograde phase in your work sector is the third in as many years and when the Moon returns to your work sector on Wednesday and aligns with Saturn on Friday, it will be for the sixth time this year and the fifth time while Saturn is in retrograde motion. This should be a run of the mill encounter then, but it is anything but, for it’s the last time that the Moon and Saturn will align in your work sector, while the door to the past is still open for another 30 years. Keeping your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground is a must, especially when it comes to what hindsight is telling you.
Things are finally slowing down on the professional front, not because you’re running out of steam. You’re nearing a point where you’re able to work with what is already on the table, before new doors start opening on the work front in August. Considering that when they do open that they’ll remain open until mid 2015, taking things slowly while you can is a real necessity. Things are slowing down because Neptune and Chiron, the only two planets active in either of your professional houses, are coming to a standstill and are in their final days in direct motion. Neptune will turn retrograde next Tuesday and Chiron a week later, with a need to avoid rushing or pushing things. The Moon’s return to your work sector over the weekend will give you a chance to pick up on some valuable clues.
As you move into the new week you’re just 7 days away from a lunar eclipse in your work sector, an eclipse that because the Moon will only return on the same day is likely to catch you by surprise. However that shouldn’t be the case if you’re paying attention, for while eclipses are wild cards and bring things to a head or to a turning or tipping point, if you’re paying attention the clues are there before hand. This makes it important to have your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground, but also to avoid over thinking, for it’s more about being aware of what is actually happening and where things actually stand than looking back or projecting forward. This means paying attention and finding a balance between not sweating the small stuff and keeping your head out of the sand.
After first the Sun and then Mercury left your career sector last week Jupiter is back to being on his own, as it has been for the majority of the time since the planet of luck returned last June. Yet what has been a 12 month mission to bring your professional game up to speed, to point your professional goals and ambitions in the right direction and to invest all that you can into your professional game is now coming to an end. Jupiter will leave your career sector in 2 weeks from Tuesday, after which point there’ll be no more planetary activity in your career sector until April 2013. With all your cards now on the table and the confidence of knowing that you have the right amount of stamina and stickability on the work front, it’s now more about positioning yourself for future success.
Each week conditions deepen on the career front, with last week’s solar eclipse in your career sector, along with the Sun and Mercury’s return topped this week by the consolidation taking place. However, you’re still on your way up with events next week literally eclipsing events until now and the week after that going a step further. This is still early days in a professional comeback that within the next few weeks will reveal just how many options you have. In the meantime you begin the week with the Sun and Mercury aligned in your career sector and over the weekend Mercury and Venus will align. With Venus in retrograde motion and the Sun and Mercury in direct motion, this is the start of a coming together of forces, giving you a clearer sense of where you’ve been and where you’re going.
Things are slowing down on the professional front, to a point where you could even take time off or simply glide, which could be just what you need. Yet if there is any fear that this is the start of a slump, rest assured it’s not and this is in fact one of the only real weeks you’ll get for some time when you can actually catch your breath. Neptune and Chiron, the only planets currently active in either of your professional houses, are slowing down, with Neptune turning retrograde in your work sector next Tuesday and Chiron a week later. Even if you wanted to, this is not the time to push things. With Mercury returning to your career sector next week and opening the door to the most active 3 career months of the year, taking the time this week to catch your breath is a must.
Any week that begins with the Moon in your career sector has to be a good one, ensuring that you’re off to the best possible start, with your professional instincts sharp and engaged and with your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground. While the Moon will leave on Monday after spending the weekend in your career sector, you’ve had a chance to get your bearings and away from the coalface to listen to what your instincts, hunches and imagination have been telling you. By this time next month you’ll have the first planetary activity in your career sector for the year, so this gives you a chance to start lining up at doors before they’ve even opened or before they’re even there. Move into the week trusting and following your hunches and keep it that way.
On both the work and career fronts there is a real call to action this week and a sense that it’s time to bring things home. After the Sun and Mercury both left your work sector last week, leaving you with the objectivity and intellectual savvy to play your A game, this left Jupiter on his own and due to leave in 2 weeks from Tuesday, it really is time to bring things home, putting things on the track that you want them to continue on. It’s the Moon’s return to your career sector on Monday and position here until Wednesday that will sharpen your professional instincts and evoke both your emotional responses and your fighting spirit. This comes just as Mars is getting ready to move into his last full month in your career sector. It’s time to pull out all the stops.
Conditions on the work and career fronts couldn’t be more different, with Saturn on his own and in retrograde motion in your career sector, while on the work front the door is open to both new opportunities and second chances. Yet it’s the unity between these two areas of your chart that creates a complimentary set of circumstances, creating a new level of professional confidence as you wake up to how many options you have. The Moon’s return to your career sector on Wednesday will sharpen your professional instincts, with his alignment with Saturn on Friday giving you a chance to delve deep into the past. This is the Moon’s last alignment with Saturn while he’s in retrograde motion for another 30 years, so the sense of hindsight you’re able to tap into will be too important to ignore.
You have had no planetary activity in either of your professional houses all year and other than a Full Moon in your career sector on the 6th May, nothing but the Moon’s monthly visits to your work and career sectors to keep things on track. That’s about to change and this is one of the last weeks for a while that you’ll have a chance to take your professional hat off and keep it off. For with Mercury returning to your work sector next week, kicking off the 3 most active months of the year on the work front and an active 3 years on the career front kicking in during that time, things are about to get busy. The Moon’s return to your career sector over the weekend, coming full circle from the Full Moon on the 6th May, will give you one last chance to get your bearings before new doors open.
At the start of the week your focus needs to be on all things work, job and employment related, for you’re moving into the week with the Moon in your work sector. While the Moon will leave on Monday, having spent the weekend here this allows you to move into the new week with your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground and a wealth of insights, hunches and clues to draw on. While new doors won’t start opening on the work front until the 26th June, holding onto those clues and hunches is essential. By the weekend your attention needs to start shifting to your professional game as a whole, ahead of a lunar eclipse in your career sector next Monday that could catch you unprepared. While you can’t second guess a lunar eclipse, you can at least start paying attention. – Freepsychicnetwork