Business Horoscope May 14 to May 20

While there is likely to be some work pressure this week, it’s going to reveal where anything still needs resolving, whether it’s specific roadblocks that need to be addressed or an old mindset that needs to be challenged. This comes in what is a decisive week on the income front, where with everything on the table it’s time to put everything you have into everything you do and go for broke. It’s mid week that pressure on Mars and your work sector is likely to peak, but with your income motivation high and with a greater awareness of your overall professional objectives, this is more likely to motivate you. This is the last hurdle that Mars and your work situation will face before the warrior planet of the cosmos leaves on the 4th July, with a chance now to take the gloves off.
The Moon only left your career sector on Sunday, allowing you to move into your new working week with your professional instincts sharp, your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground. This also allowed you to tap back into the professional desires and dreams you came into 2012 with and cemented in the early weeks of the year. This would be an advantage in any week, but especially in a week where there are some stunning developments on both the income and work fronts. Saturn, in your work sector since October 2009 and in retrograde motion since February, finds himself in the right place at the right time. For as Venus turns retrograde on Wednesday, opening the door to second chances on the income front, it will also open the door to second chances on the work front.
Having the Moon in your career sector as you move into the new week will ensure you begin the week with your professional instincts sharp, your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground. Yet as happens each month, this puts the Moon in opposition with Mars in your home and family sector, bringing any work/life balance issues to a head. This isn’t normally too big a deal and simply a reminder and a chance to tweak things, ironing out any balance issues between your home and professional lives. But this comes just before forces on the home and career fronts were already coming to a head, so in the short term having he Moon in your career sector may amplify any intensity. Listen to your professional instincts, refuse to sweat the small stuff and also to stick your head in the sand.
When Mercury left your career sector last Wednesday he brought the most active 3 months of your professional year to an end and with all your cards on the table, the intellectual savvy to keep things on track. The Moon’s return to your career sector on Wednesday, a week to the day since Mercury left and since this active phase ran its course, gives you a chance to touch base with your professional instincts and by listing to your gut and your hunches, to tie up any loose ends or finalise anything still unresolved. This is also the Moon’s last visit to your career sector before a lunar eclipse in your work sector early next month, giving you a chance to get your professional bearings across the board. With the majority of the climb behind you, it’s now more about keeping things on track.
While Jupiter won’t leave your career sector until the 12th June, this is when everything comes together. You begin the week with the Sun and Jupiter aligned in your career sector and will end the week with the Sun and Moon aligned, bringing together Mercury’s intellectual savvy, the Sun’s visionary insight and Jupiter’s ability to really get things moving. With the Sun leaving your career sector next Monday and not due to team up with Jupiter again for another 12 years and Mercury spending his first, last and only full week in your career sector this year, this is the week for making things happen. It’s the thrust, momentum and energy you’re able to put into getting your professional year up to speed that will continue to provide benefit for months if not years to come.
It was the Moon’s visit to your work sector late last week and the fact that he only left on Sunday that gives you a chance to move into your new working week with your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground. This also gave you a chance to tap back into the desires, expectations and aspirations you moved into 2012 with and cemented during the early months of the year. Hold onto this, for it’s now that things start to get interesting on the career front, with some massive shifts about to transform your professional game. While a solar eclipse next Monday will open the door to some major new beginnings and officially set a powerful 12 months on the career front in motion, it’s Venus’ retrograde turn in your career sector on Wednesday that opens the door to second chances.
Having the Moon in your work sector as you move into the new week is a mixed blessing, for while it will ensure that you have your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground from the get go, it will also inflame and accentuate what is destined to be a high pressure week on the work front. Use this as a positive and if this manages to flush things out early in the week, before they have a chance to come to a head mid week, then all the better. This is the last hurdle you have to cross and with new doors opening on the career front from early next month, you have a chance to resolve any issues, perceived or actual, on the work front first. This is the last really tense week you’ll get on the work front, after a series of such weeks, with a chance to resolve things once and for all.
When Mercury left your work sector last Wednesday he wrapped up an active and defining 3 months, months that will define the rest of your working year. With new doors not opening on the career front until later next month, you have a chance this week to cement your resolve, check that you’re on track and tweak things if necessary. It’s the Moon’s return to your work sector on Wednesday, a week to the day since Mercury left that gives you a chance to tie up loose ends and get your bearings. With all your cards now on the table it’s more about how you’re going to play the hand you’ve been dealt, which the Moon’s first visit since things eased back is all about. Listen to your hunches and gut reactions, knowing that this is your chance to make any changes before you veer too far off track.
This is one of the most powerful weeks of the year on the professional front and of lucky Jupiter’s 12 months in your work sector. With Venus been and gone you have a strong sense of what you want and with your professional passions and fighting spirit building back to full strength, this would have always been a time for taking off the gloves and going for broke. It was Mercury’s return last week that kicked off the end game and as this smart and intellectually savvy planet spends his first, last and only full week in your work sector this year, you’re able to work smarter and play the cards already dealt. With luck on your side, visionary insight and the ability to work smarter, the only thing you need to watch out for are work/life balance issues.
As you move into the new week you’re just 7 days away from the Sun and Moon’s return to your work sector, the solar eclipse this will create and the new doors this will open. Yet as close as you are to the launch of what will become your luckiest and most expansive professional year in over a decade, especially on the work front, chances are that future looks as far away as ever and as the week progresses the focus will instead shift to the past. It’s on Wednesday that Venus will turn retrograde in your work sector and with Saturn already in retrograde motion in your career sector this will put the only two planets at that point controlling things on the professional front, in retrograde motion. While this may temporarily slow things down, it opens the door to second chances.
As has been for several years now, the first half of the year is void of planetary activity in either of your professional houses. But as you move into the new week that will change in less than 4 weeks time, with new doors opening on the work front early next month. It’s the Moon’s last visit to your income sector before then that gives you a chance to refine your income objectives, which will play a huge role in what unfolds on the work front over the coming months and on the career front as a whole, longer term. It’s not always about the money but this year it is, with a chance to redefine your financial and income objectives before your 2012 professional year starts. If you can point things in the most lucrative direction before things even start to roll, nothing can stop you.
You have a fairly low key week on the professional front this week, which is just the way you want it to be. It’s by laying low that you’re best able to prepare for the lunar eclipse in your career sector early next month and the new developments on the work front from later next month. The Moon has already made his last visit to your career sector before next month’s lunar eclipse, when everything you’ve been working on or towards since as far back as early last year will come to fruition or reach an important turning or tipping point. Until then consolidate your position and work with the Moon, who will visit your income sector between Wednesday and Friday, to further define your income intentions. This year it is very much about where the money is. – freepsychicnetwork