Business Horoscope May 07 to May 13

Your main professional motivation this week is likely to come from a mix of financial pressure and motivation, but it’s come at the right time for you have the resources to respond to that motivation. It was a Full Moon in your financial sector over the weekend that put pressure on both the Sun and lucky Jupiter in your income sector, just as they’re moving into alignment here for the first time since 2000 and for the last time for another 12 years. This will come to a head over the weekend, but with Mars already evoking your fighting spirit on the work front and the Moon returning to your career sector from Wednesday to Friday, sharpening your professional instincts and engaging your imagination, lucky income forces come along at just the right time. It’s time to pull out all the stops.
Apart from a case of Mondayitis as you move into your new working week, feeling work pressure before it even starts, your week will not only get better it will have completely turned around by the weekend. That’s in stark contrast to the weekend that has just finished, for it was over the weekend that Saturn, in retrograde motion in your work sector, was under pressure. That pressure has already peaked and it will gradually ease off and will be mainly gone by mid week. This is just when Saturn and your work situation is likely to start feeling the support that is coming from Venus in your income sector and the doors to second chances that are due to open next week. The Moon’s return to your career sector on Friday will sharpen your professional instincts and create a new sense of resolve.
Any week that begins with the Moon already in your work sector should be a good one, ensuring you have your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground from the get to. With the Moon in your work sector but due to leave on Monday, expect this to also push some buttons, having come to a head as a Full Moon over the weekend. There has been a lot of focus on your career situation as a whole over recent months but nothing on the work front, with the weekend’s Full Moon likely to have brought some important wake up calls, to a point where you might now be looking at things in a different light. While things may seem a little too intense and overwhelming at the start of the week, once the Moon moves on you’ll have a chance to pick over the valuable insights and clues left behind.
You move into your new professional week with a mix of emotions ranging from relieved to wrung out, for it was over the weekend that the final opposition between your home and career sectors finally played out. This brought work/life balance issues to a head just as the weekend’s Full Moon reminded you that life can’t be all work and no play. Even if Mercury wasn’t leaving your career sector on Wednesday this would have brought a new sense of resolve to wrap things up and bring things up to speed. Mercury’s departure will wrap up a 3 month period that will define the rest of your professional year, so the early days of the week are about staying focused. The Moon’s return to your work sector from Monday to Wednesday will ensure you have your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground.
Despite the fact that you may be feeling stressed and under pressure as you move into the new week, this is not a sign of what kind of week to expect, for this is in fact one of your luckiest professional weeks of the year. The pressure is coming from the fact that the weekend’s Full Moon put direct pressure on both the Sun and lucky Jupiter in your career sector, providing the right wake up calls at the right time. For on Saturday the Sun and Jupiter will begin a 3 day alignment in your career sector, for the first time since 2000 and for the last time for another 12 years. It’s on Wednesday that you’re likely to catch your second wind and begin the run up to what is destined to be real turning point on the professional front, as you realise that you’re now in the home straight.
As Venus spends her last full week in direct motion in your career sector expect things to slow right down and that you may find your motivation bottoming out. Right now Venus is the only planet active in not only your career sector, but in either of your professional houses and as she rules your heart and is slowing down, if it’s not something you want to be doing, then your motto this week is likely to be ‘why bother’? This isn’t like you, so it could cause you to think that maybe you’re losing your edge, but nothing could be further from the truth. Trust that when you need it you’ll catch your second wind, with that day much closer than you realise, just not this week. The Moon’s return to your work sector on Friday will give you a chance to consider your options over the weekend.
Keep things on the down low this week, refusing to rush or push things but also avoid sweating the small stuff without sticking your head in the sand. Mercury only wrapped up a very active 3 months on the work front on the 17th April and with new doors due to open on the career front early next month you have a short period of time when you’re able to pull back and process things to date ahead of the next surge. This may be frustrating if you want to get things moving, but this is both a natural and a necessary, but also temporary slump. For it’s now that you have a chance to take care of any housekeeping and to deal with anything unresolved and to work on any work/life balance issues. When the wheels start to move from early next month, you need to know that they won’t fall off.
There is a new sense of urgency and resolve as you move into the new week and a determination to wrap things up, whatever it takes and chances are some work pressure as well. On the 3rd March smart and intellectually savvy Mercury returned to your work sector to begin what is normally less than a 3 week visit, aimed at giving you the resources to work smarter and the intellectual savvy to get your working year up to speed. But as you move into the new week it’s been over 2 months and Mercury is still here, but due to leave on Wednesday it’s time to bring things home. It’s the fact that Mercury endured an opposition from Saturn over the weekend, for the third year in a row as he visits your work sector, but also for the last time for another 30 years. It’s time to get things up to speed.
It was the weekend’s Full Moon that put pressure on both the Sun and Jupiter in your work sector, providing some timely and necessary wake up calls and some work pressure at the start of the week. This will ensure that you move into the new week on your toes and also that you’re questioning some previous entrenched assumptions. You’ve woken up to the fact that you are in fact the master of your own destiny and it’s just in time, with the Sun and Jupiter beginning an alignment in your work sector over the weekend, for the first time since 2000 and for the last time for another 12 years. With your professional passions and fighting spirit engaged and Mercury’s return to your work sector on Wednesday giving you the intellectual savvy to work smarter, it’s time to bring things home.
Chances are you’re going to take one look at your new working week and really question whether you can be bothered, yet you know what they say about first impressions. If you’re feeling a little jaded it’s because the weekend saw the final opposition between your home and career sectors play out and as this is the last real test that you have the right work/life balance it may have hit hard. Coupled with that Venus is spending her last full week in direct motion in your work sector, slowing down to a crawl and you’ll want to do the same. Even the Moon will put pressure on Venus and your work situation in the early days of the week. Expect a sea change mid week, as you realise a slower pace is actually working for you. By not sweating the small stuff you’ll actually accomplish more.
The Moon is still in your career sector on Monday after the weekend’s game changing Full Moon. While the Moon will leave on Monday this will leave you with your professional instincts are sharp and like a bell that can’t be unrung some wake up calls and insights that have the power to change your perspective. With no planetary activity in either of your professional houses the weekend’s Full Moon was a big deal, having to deliver everything you needed to know, recognise and appreciate in one fell swoop. As with all Full Moons there will be some pressure and probably brought any work/life balance pressures to a head, but at a time when you have both the resources and the time to do just that. The real eye opener is your first real sense of the major professional developments ahead.
The timing of the Moon’s visit to your career sector this week couldn’t be better and is so spot on that it could be a game changer. The Moon returns to your career sector on Monday, sharpening your professional instincts and ensuring that you have your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground. This comes just as Mercury is emerging from an opposition that brought financial pressure to a head and just as he’s getting ready to leave your income sector on Wednesday. Having the Moon in your career sector during Mercury’s final days in your income sector allows you to put your professional and income objectives on the same page. This is the Moon’s last visit to your career sector before next month’s lunar eclipse, which really will have the power to change your professional reality. – freepsychicnetwork