Business Horoscope June 24 to June 30

You are beginning to move forward in your personal projects this Sunday. You could be learning all about flying a plane, riding a horse or painting a picture. As a natural architect and builder, you are able to use your mind in making decisions regarding matters of form and function this Monday. You are skillful in many avenues. You are able to act quickly and get things done this Tuesday—faster than most. You may find people coming to you for the odd jobs that nobody wants to try to accomplish. You are very skilled at working with people this Wednesday and you would make an excellent negotiator. You could be in the limelight this Thursday, particularly with superiors or in relation to your work this week. Today you review, preview and work on a presentation to represent your point of view. There are real opportunities this Friday to complete and to work through difficulties and projects that require long-term efforts and a high degree of discipline. You seem turned-on and tuned-in to other people’s emotions this Saturday–not supersensitive, but more intuitive. You can demonstrate a great deal of understanding and sensitivity to the needs of others. Tonight brings laughter and a relaxed atmosphere.
Your daily interaction with others seems to be a bit more relaxed this Sunday. Working in groups is expected today. There is much to talk about this Monday–perhaps a meeting. You are out-front and frank and can get many things accomplished. In the heat of some sort of competition, remove the emotional–it will only slow your progress. You may find yourself very appreciative of your career and practical skills this Tuesday . . . in fact, you are appreciative of everything today. You are born to love and care for others and may tend to worry overmuch this Wednesday. Your fear of being left out or not being fully used up in this life can be alleviated by some sort of hobby like gardening, artistic endeavors, cooking. If you are not teaching this Thursday, you will probably be counseling parents on the art of raising children. You are an instant umbrella of warmth, friendship and self-expression. You are a real charmer–able to enchant others and bring them under your spell this Friday. All sorts of business problems can be solved today–particularly if there is any sort of social interaction. In a word, your emotions and gusto hold your innermost self together this Saturday. Your circle of friends makes laughter easy this afternoon.
You may feel like being different and like trying something new and unusual this Sunday. This is a perfect time for new ideas and breakthrough thinking–a novel approach. You are most happy when you can do something for someone. Given only a few facts this Monday, you are able to take in a situation and come up with a real picture of what is needed. As a good detective or research person, you will find yourself having a passion for answers this Tuesday morning. Some breakthrough revelation is in the forecast. Things are working with rather than against you this Wednesday–do not hold back. However, do not overdo or try to go too far too fast. Circumstances may stimulate an appreciation of your life situation. Regardless of the difficulties you may come across this Thursday, the work you set out for yourself seems to be easily completed. You work well in group matters this Friday and manage to get your ideas across quickly and efficiently. The areas which you enjoy most are the areas of the written and spoken word and ideas in all their flavors. Cooking may be a bit of passion for you and this weekend you plan to develop a food creation. There will be less of a push for recognition this Saturday.
You appreciate what is fair and democratic and feel most happy in a group or community gathering this Sunday. There are many opportunities to enhance and deepen a love relationship tonight. You discover new ways of working with traditional materials this Monday. Expect a sense of support from those around you. Your business expertise is in high focus. It may be hard to organize or persevere this Tuesday. Do not force things. Focus may be the problem and a little note taking can bring the plans for the day back into focus. Before the workday begins this Wednesday, you may hear from a friend. Friends are very important in your life and they probably present a large amount of spiritual nourishment. Your input and advice to a friend seems important and you will make a positive difference. Figuring out difficult technical tasks all on your own takes on a feeling of self-accomplishment this Thursday. There is much mental busy work to do as well today; you are successful in your endeavors. This Friday is a very good day for job-related events. You could find yourself completing your professional chores quickly this Saturday. You can always find the resources you require plus the necessary instruction if you need them.
You may find it very easy to overdo or work at cross purposes this Sunday. This can result in a stressful day, if you are not careful. There is a sense of testing the limits. Enjoy some fun activity this afternoon. This Monday you find several opportunities to set the pace of positive thinking. This Tuesday is one of those days that take the patience and skills that you have to work quickly and efficiently. Communication, computers, electronics and everything new wave are the areas in which you excel. You could be most persuasive with others this Wednesday. Your own partiality for routine and the traditional may result in your feeling challenged by anything new or different. You could be presented with the unexpected this Thursday; however, your lawyer type mind will be able to quickly size up most any problem in order to find a solution. Enjoy some laughter later today. Expect delays and pace your steps this Friday–all will work out for the positive. This evening your friends may just want to chat . . . as you hang up from one call, you will probably receive another. Interaction with others is the focus of this Saturday. New business, new customers and new products seem to grab your attention all at one time.
Take a little trip, or get outside for a while this Sunday. You may want to break your routine and try something new or different. This Monday is a time of good fortune when life, including finances, just seems to be going your way. There are plenty of choices for you to ponder but most situations appear almost made to order. Someone could challenge you on a very sensitive issue this Tuesday. Easy does it, you will do well to admit you are involved in plenty of work and would be happy to get back to the person when you can. Because you may often be impulsive, concentrated and spontaneous, you could find yourself representing your company, lecturing or teaching this Wednesday. A well-trained salesperson could do well to learn your techniques because you tend to rush in where others fear to tread. You may find yourself counseling or ministering to others this Thursday. In the workplace this Friday, you prove to be very communicative, flexible, intellectual and other-oriented. Communal activities that take place this evening should be both well-attended and successful. You have an opportunity this Saturday to take your skills into an unknown area and teach or be constructive to the needs of some group of troubled people.
This Sunday is a good time to think about how your future is taking shape. You will prosper by pursuing your dreams of where you have always wanted to work and be expressive. A whirlwind of information is available to you this Monday and it could be that you have a new method of gaining information. It may be a bit difficult to concentrate on your usual work. Relax tonight. A discussion over business affairs this Tuesday calls for a compromise and with some deliberation, this can easily be reached. You are able to use good common sense in this decision-making process. You are gifted when it comes to career decisions these days. Things almost always manage to work out for you and this Wednesday is no different. There are some important facts to obtain before expressing your viewpoints to higher-ups this day. Your neighborhood is changing and this Thursday you may decide to look into serving on the city council or at the least, to attend a few meetings. You will make a positive difference. This Friday is a good time to organize or rearrange a business situation. Others see you as the person that can be most helpful in a particular project. There is much to accomplish this Saturday.
Life seems fast and furious but this Sunday may be the exception. You may decide to reclaim a little balance in your week by enjoying a slower-paced morning. You make your way this Monday by using practical vision and common sense. You could have some recognition in your career at this time. Concurrently, a change of direction is in order, finding you in a gradual curve toward a more inward time. There are times in everyone’s life when one changes the way one looks at life. This Tuesday is the time to either make a few fast changes or plan for a few changes in the future. This Wednesday there is likely to be an emphasis on reading, writing, studying and all forms of exchanging information with others in the years ahead. This will all serve as a path for self-discovery and personal development. This Thursday is a great time to listen to what others are saying. This also seems to be the day for tending to unfinished business and paperwork–personal or professional. You should realize that this Friday is a good time to be humble and see where work can best help others. A difficult situation this Saturday morning comes to your attention. Very little time passes before you discover the root of a problem and eliminate it.
Close personal ties to other people are a focal point for your feelings this Sunday–marriage and other partnerships could be a key focus. You could be particularly persuasive in your profession this Monday and you may be chosen to help a new salesperson or help a disgruntled customer. The situation is a natural for you and your special talents come into play for all to see. Don’t be hasty when tracking down some research for an important project this Tuesday. Keep a positive outlook throughout a challenging dilemma. You are coming into a period of greater than usual emphasis on emotional security, which is likely to manifest as settling down somehow. The word for this Wednesday is accomplishment. You have a winning attitude that will get you through any sort of difficulty or problem-solving issues that you might find. It is easy for you to work with those in authority this Thursday–those older and more experienced than you have a lot to teach. Using your mind to negotiate obstacles and handle dilemmas this Friday is a talent you are happy to use. This Saturday is a great time to contemplate and understand your own situation: just how you feel about yourself. The emotions and feelings of those around you are very clear.
Business is positive and an opportunity to improve your financial status come to your attention this Sunday. This could mean you own a little business and it is doing quite well. Consider adding a specialty addition to your shop to attract more people into your little place of business. Your communication skills are at a high this Monday. Your timing should be perfect and those around you should find you most spontaneous and alert to your work. You may be presented with new problems in the workplace this Tuesday. You are ready to search for a solution, as usual. This Wednesday is a time when support and recognition should be available from public, family and friends. You feel at home in the world and it more than takes care of you. You are ready, willing and able this Thursday to solve the vulnerable and sensitive issues. This amounts to a passion within you and can involve personal, city or community matters at this time. Your patience and a listening attitude will take you far. Some assignment is in need of being completed this Friday and you will be able to complete all the tasks successfully. You may be interested in matters of psychology, different cultures and history this Saturday. A library will be helpful.
Your mind runs to domestic issues this Sunday; home and family are always on your mind. You could publish your own newsletter, do editorial or legal work, do freelance writing or proof books for publishers. This Monday you can expect a little boost–some sort of extra support from those around you. You may feel that you are in harmony with others. Work and achievement mean a great deal to you. You are stable and methodical in your work progress this Tuesday. There is a need to change some method, technique or equipment. There is a passion for inventions and electronics this Wednesday. This is a fine time to try out some new ideas or engage in some new business dealings or investments. The price of success could mean that the ideas and methods of communication you are happy with become ignored or set back this Thursday. There is time to think a few things over for clarity. With your confidence and a take-charge sort of manner you are able to instruct, guide or set down a plan that others can follow with few questions this Friday. Discipline is no problem; so this Saturday you could find yourself nominated for a very important job. Circumstances may urge you to help care for the very old or the very young.
You may find yourself feeling blocked this Sunday, particularly in a group situation. Something fun that you may be looking forward to in your personal life may be something you have looked forward to for quite a while. You appreciate getting past the surface and down to the heart–the bare bones of a situation this Monday. This is what makes you a very shrewd and discriminating business person. Decisions made this Tuesday may have to be rethought later. Take your time with business matters, if at all possible today. You may want to avoid the superficial this Wednesday–you hate small talk anyway. Exercise the talents you have to quietly investigate and explore the possibilities of new techniques in business. It is good that you are making time this Thursday for exercise and taking care of your health. With an incredible drive to achieve in whatever task you try to accomplish, you may feel that you should complete some project that has seemed too long in process this Friday. There is a lot to accomplish this Saturday and the faster you get started the better. You are up early this morning at the thought of the job ahead and it is a good time to take advantage of the energy to achieve and get things accomplished. – Dailyhoroscopes