Business Horoscope June 10 to June 16

There is a need to take a slow approach to professional matters this week, refusing to sweat the small stuff or to create challenges where there are none. For while there is likely to be some work/life balance tension this week, building in the early days of the week and peaking midweek, this is more a case of your home and professional lives marking their territory and a chance to get the right balance. There is a need to take this a lot more seriously than you normally would, for while it will ease relatively quickly it’s a sign of things to come and if you don’t deal with it now you’ll only have to deal with it later. The key is realising that if you want it all you’ll have to work to find the right balance and compromise. The weekend should bring some home truths on the work front.
Keep your professional hat off as much as possible this week, aware that there is no need to reinvent the wheel and with some clear professional objectives and an already entrenched work ethic that it’s more about keeping the wheels turning. This is also because the focus this week needs to be on money matters and more specifically income matters. After the weekend’s New Moon Mars is urging you to come out of your corner fighting, declaring war on any remaining glass ceilings. With lucky Jupiter now in his final weeks in your income sector there’s a need to at least line up your targets and to put effort into getting the ball rolling. In reality you have until mid July to bring things home, with the Moon making several visits to your work and business sectors between now and then.
As new doors open on the income front, on the professional front things are not only slowing down but the focus is shifting to the rear view mirror. Saturn has been in retrograde motion in your work sector since February, but due to turn direct next month and nearing the deepest part of his retrograde phase he’s not only going deeper into the past, but is slowing down. At the same time Neptune is at a near standstill after his retrograde turn in your business sector last week and by the time Chiron turns retrograde here at the end of the week, he too will be at a standstill. By the end of the week the 3 planets active in your professional houses will all be in retrograde motion and all moving a slower than they normally would. While things have become stalled this is purposely so.
You were already likely to be feeling more professionally confident now that Uranus, the only planet active in either of your professional houses, is no longer under pressure. Yet while this would have brought a slow and steady sense that the storm has past, it’s the Moon’s return to your income sector midweek that is likely to speed up the turnaround. Not only will the Moon give you a nose for money and because of his alliance with Uranus in your business sector bring a boost in professional confidence, but will alert you to fact that new doors are due to open. Where the Moon and Uranus will temporarily bring a boost in income and business confidence, what is opening up over the coming weeks will make this a lot more steady and permanent. Trust what a nose for money is telling you.
Thanks to the Moon’s visit to your business sector last week you’ve not only had a chance to sharpen your professional instincts and over the weekend to process some valuable clues, hunches and insights, but a chance to get your bearings. This was the Moon’s first visit since Mars wrapped up all the planetary activity for the year, giving you a chance to cement your professional objectives, goals and ambitions, with the rest of the year to let things play out. In the meantime, this brings the focus back onto work matters and while there may be some work tension, especially in the early days of the week and peaking midweek, this is more a chance to look at where you may be over doing things, for what was a sprint has now turned back into a marathon, with pacing yourself essential.
As the Moon leaves your business sector on Monday he not only leaves you with your professional instincts sharpened, but after the weekend’s New Moon he’s leaving you with a fresh sense of resolve and momentum. This was the Moon first visit to your business sector since Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos returned late last month, but also the last before both the Sun and lucky Jupiter leave. Once Jupiter leaves he won’t be back until 2024 and while Mars will stay on until mid July to bring things home, the point of no return was reached over the weekend, when it comes to throwing yourself into your professional passions and the things that excite you. A time for exploring your options is over and it’s time now to start walking the talk, with a new sense of urgency and impatience in play.
There is a fairly dramatic parting of the ways on the professional front this week, but in a way that the two camps are actively supporting each other. After Neptune’s retrograde turn in your work sector late last week and in the lead up to Chiron’s retrograde turn here at the end of the week, work matters are taking a back seat, allowing you to review, revise and retrace your steps. Yet at the same time, as the Moon returns to your business sector on Monday and aligns with Venus and Mercury over the next few days, as your professional instincts kick in and align with your professional desires, expectations and with a new kind of intellectual savvy kicking in, it’s clear that new doors are already opening. This is the point where the focus is shifting from work matters to the big picture.
What you should be noticing and would have been evident last week, was that as work pressure and tension began easing back, that this was being replaced by a new sense of confidence, with the scales slowly and gradually tilting from one to the other. Yet what could have gone on for weeks as a slow and gradual improvement gets a major boost this week, by an event that on the surface is fairly ordinary and shouldn’t have the impact that it will. The Moon’s return to your business sector midweek, for what should be simply a monthly update and a chance to get your professional bearings will instead give you your first real sense of new opportunities ahead. This is the Moon’s last visit before new doors start opening next week, with a chance to start lining up at the right doors before they open.
After the Moon’s visit to your work sector last week, the first since Mars left and brought all the planetary activity for the year to an end late last month, you’ve had a chance to tie up loose ends, get your bearings, cement your bottom lines and put things on the path you want them to continue on. When it comes to work matters all your cards are on the table and it’s now more about staying on track and keeping the wheels turning. This gives you a chance to catch your breath before new doors start opening on the business front next month, with the Moon’s return to your business sector over the weekend sharpening your professional instincts and providing some clues on where to from here. With time on your side let new ideas germinate and your imagination to take the lead.
As the Moon leaves your work sector on Monday this brings the weekend’s New Moon to a close, but also draws a massive line in the sand. As the Moon’s first visit to your work sector since Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos returned late last month and the last before the Sun leaves later next week and lucky Jupiter the week after, this is the trigger that has signalled the end game. While Mars will stay on until mid July and will continue working until then to bring things home, as far as getting the ball rolling and taking the initiative, that time has come. When Jupiter leaves your work sector on the 26th June he won’t return until 2024, with a need to leave no room for regret. This is about putting your hat in as many rings as possible, without knowing which ones will pan out.
As the Moon returns to your work sector on Monday, for the first time since Mercury returned at the end of May and Venus returned early last week, you’ll have a chance to test the waters and get your bearings. While there is nothing out of the ordinary about Venus or Mercury returning to your work sector in June, what is due to follow over the coming weeks is far more extraordinary, with the Moon’s intuitive insight providing the first clues that something big is pending. This may in the short term exacerbate work tension that was coming to a head midweek anyway, but will give you a chance to see what’s pushing your buttons and why. What lies behind any tension is Pluto, standing his ground and making sure you pace yourself, as well as challenging old attitudes and perceptions.
Apart from the fact that you’re starting to gain more confidence when it comes to income opportunities, as you move into the new week there is nothing to suggest that there is any change ahead on the professional front, yet that won’t be the case by the end of the week. What will change is the Moon’s return to your work sector midweek and the intuitive and imaginative edge this creates. Returning just 11 days before new doors are due to start opening on the work front and in a fairly extraordinary way when they do, the Moon will give you your first real sense of what lies ahead, as well as an opportunity to start lining up at the right doors before they open. This will further feed and fuel your confidence when it comes to income matters, with a sense that you really are over the hump. – Astrolis