Business Horoscope June 04 to June 10

The Moon’s visit to your career sector from Wednesday to Friday will not only sharpen your professional instincts and give you a chance to get your bearings on career matters and situations it will have a big impact on things on the income and work fronts. The Moon returns to your career sector on the same day that Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos moves into his last 4 weeks of his 8 month visit to your work sector and just when you’re ready to put everything you have into everything you do. This will give you the insight to pick your battles wisely, making it important to have your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground. This is the Moon’s last visit to your career sector before Jupiter leaves your income sector next Tuesday, giving you an intuitive sense of where the money is.
You reach two important road markers on the work front this week, just as you’re moving into one very powerful and auspicious week on the income front. With Jupiter, planet of luck returning to your income sector next week, you’re on the doorstep of some very auspicious times on the income front and it seems you’ll have the professional clout to back it up. It’s on Monday that Saturn reaches a point where he’s just 3 weeks away from turning direct in your work sector, while on the same day Mars reaches a point where he’s just a month to the day away from arriving. This sets the scene for a massive turnaround on the work front early next month, which income forces are already lining up for. Use the chance you have now, while the doors to the past are still open, to work behind the scenes.
After the Moon spent the weekend in your work sector you’re able to move into the new week with your finger on the pulse, your ear to the ground and your instincts sharp. Monday is when your instincts will be the sharpest and it’s also the day when Neptune will be spending his last full day in direct motion in your career sector, before turning retrograde on Tuesday. Still in direct motion but at a standstill, but not yet in retrograde motion so not yet able to retrace your steps, Monday provides an opportunity to simply stay in the moment and with the Moon having just left your work sector, you’ll have your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground. It’s from Thursday that you’ll have a chance to focus more on where the money is, with a smart head for money kicking in.
Your week begins with a lunar eclipse in your work sector, which may take you by surprise considering the Moon only returns on Monday, the day of the lunar eclipse. It’s where things have been building behind the scenes, either on or off your radar, that eclipse energy has the power to bring things to a head or to a turning or tipping point. Even though the day might pass uneventfully, you’ll eventually look back at this time and recognise it for the turning point it actually is. With the Moon not returning to your work sector until Monday that means it will stay on until Wednesday, giving you a further 2 days to digest any strong messages and insights. As with all eclipses it’s important to get out of the way and let what is meant to be, be.
This is your last week to give your professional year as much of a push as possible but chances are, if you’ve been working with the stars over recent months there might not be much left in the tank, in which case it’s more about tying up loose ends. For this is Jupiter, planet of luck’s last full week in your career sector and when he leaves next Tuesday, he won’t return until 2023 and with no planetary activity here at all until April 2013, things will ease right back. It’s the Moon’s visit to your work sector from Wednesday to Friday that gives you a chance to touch bases with Pluto and forces on the work front, for from next week this is what will keep your professional game on track. This week is all about tying up loose ends and putting them on the path you want them to continue on.
This week is being dominated by a pair of eclipses, both having an impact on your professional game but in very, very different ways. The week begins with Monday’s lunar eclipse putting direct pressure on the Sun in your career sector, bringing any work/life balance issues to a head. But considering what’s coming, this gives you a chance to tweak things before things really start to move. It is Wednesday’s eclipse that will have the biggest direct impact on your professional game, for this is a rare Venus eclipse in your career sector, not to be repeated in your lifetime. With Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion returning to your career sector next week Wednesday’s eclipse will get things moving ahead of time. This will bring both your professional desires and realities to a head.
This is one week when a one size fits all approach won’t suit, for there is a divergence taking place that will see things on the work and career fronts go in different directions. You’ve had no planetary activity in your career sector since September 2011, so as you move into the new week the focus is as it has been all year, on matters on the work front. But Neptune’s retrograde turn in your work sector on Tuesday will almost see work forces drop back, making room for new doors to open on the career front. For just 2 days after Neptune turns retrograde in your work sector, giving you a chance to work behind the scenes, Mercury returns to your career sector. Mercury’s return on Thursday unlocks the door to new opportunities and the 3 most important career months of the year.
The closer you get to Mercury’s return to your career sector on the 26th June, which is a lot closer than it sounds and is in just 3 weeks from Tuesday, the closer you get to the next professional surge. It wasn’t even a month ago that an active 3 months on the work front ran its course and with the next surge on the horizon, what you really need is a chance to work behind the scenes and with the cards already on the table. While work pressures won’t peak until later in the month, just days before Mercury is due to reach your career sector, it will begin building this week. Refuse to see this as a sign that you can’t afford to rest on your laurels, though use it to remain on your toes. A lunar eclipse in your income sector on Monday should bring some interesting developments into play.
With Jupiter, planet of luck spending his last full week in your work sector and Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos reaching a point on Monday where there’s just a month left before he leaves your career sector, each will be fighting for your attention and for rights to make their agenda the more urgent one. Yet with Jupiter in your work sector since last June and Mars in your career sector since last November most of your cards will already be on the table. It’s on the work front that there is more urgency, for once Jupiter leaves next Tuesday he won’t be back until 2023 and there’ll be no planetary activity here of any kind until April 2013. The Moon’s visit to your career sector from Wednesday to Friday will sharpen your professional instincts and provide some valuable and timely clues.
Saturn reaches a point on Monday where he’s just 3 weeks away from turning direct in your career sector and moving into his final weeks in retrograde motion he’s slowing right down and with Venus not turning direct in your work sector until 3 weeks from Thursday, this should be slowing things down across the professional spectrum. However, while the door will remain open to second chances on both the work and career fronts, the Sun and Mercury are making sure that this is not at the expense of any forward momentum. Things come to a head in a spectacular way mid week when Venus literally runs across the Sun. This creates a rare Venus eclipse which falls on Mercury’s last full day in your work sector, with the power to bring things to a turning or tipping point.
Since the Sun left your career sector last November you’ve had no planetary activity in either of your professional houses, with only the Moon’s monthly visits to your work and career sectors to keep things on track. That all changes this week with Mercury’s return to your work sector on Thursday, with this intellectually savvy planet arriving with the keys to unlock the doors to the first professional planetary activity for the year and to 3 of the most important months on the work front. This is the first planetary activity in your work sector since September 2011 and while things may be a bit rusty, the Moon’s visit to your career sector over the weekend will help you move into the new week with your professional instincts sharp, your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground.
Your working week gets off to a bang, with a lunar eclipse in your career sector bringing things to what might appear to be an unexpected head, turning or tipping point. Chances are if you look back you’ll have see there were signs. The Moon only returns to your career sector on Monday, the same day as the eclipse, so this might catch you off guard, but staying on until Wednesday this gives you time on the other side to get your head around anything this triggers. This is the last lunar eclipse in your career sector before the North Node, the trigger for this eclipse, leaves in August so will be a last push to get things out in the open. With Mercury returning to your work sector on the 26th June, whatever this lunar eclipse triggers will have plenty of resources to keep in motion. – Freepsychicnetwork