Business Horoscope July 30 to August 05

In the Moon’s return to your career sector on Monday and alignment with Pluto on Tuesday see him come full circle from a Full Moon that brought many things to a head. As your professional instincts kick in and you get a chance to get a read on the current dynamics in play, this will be your first real sense of just how much you’ve moved on in just 4 weeks. The Full Moon in your career sector on the 4th July brought pressure to an already tense situation, but in the process sped up the process of bringing things to a head and getting things out in the open. With the pressure gone but the Sun still a few weeks away from returning to your work sector, you have a chance to let things settle and make sense of what has been a wild ride so far this year.
If Venus had planned it herself, it’s unlikely she’d have come up with a more fitting way to make the most of her last full week in your work sector, than Thursday’s Full Moon in your career sector. Venus’ epic 4 month visit to your work sector has seen your desires slowly take form as eclipses, a Venus transit and even Jupiter’s return helped to make the prospect of turning those desires into reality a realistic proposition. With lucky Jupiter staying on in your work sector until June 2013 keeping the momentum going won’t be a problem, so long as you know what you want and you’re following your heart’s lead. Thursday’s Full Moon in your career sector will not only give things a push start, but will be a reminder of the professional dreams and aspirations you moved into the year with.
The Moon makes one last visit to your career sector before things heat up on the work front. By the time the Moon returns to your career sector on Saturday Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos will be just under 3 weeks away from your work sector, where he’ll open the door to a period of not only continuous but extreme planetary activity that there’ll be no break from until at least December 2014. In short, once things get busy, which they will from the 24th August onwards, this will only escalate and within just a few months you’ll be in the heart of some of the biggest forces you’ve experienced on the work front in decades. When the Moon returns to your career sector make the most of the chance you have now to hear yourself think as your professional instincts kick in.
While the Moon will leave your work sector on Monday, having spent the majority of the weekend here, this allows you to move into your new working week with your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground. The Moon leaves your work sector a week to the day before the North Node is due to leave, not to return for another 17 years. This has given you your last chance to hook in intuitively to a force that is providing a natural sense of direction and a draw towards your full potential. This makes it important to move into the week trusting your instincts and getting a read on the way things are naturally trying to move, choosing to move with not against the current. However, it’s as important to know where you’ve been as it is to know where you’re going.
As the Moon returns to your work sector on Monday he comes full circle from the Full Moon earlier in the month, with his alignment with Pluto on Tuesday giving you your first real sense of just how much water has passed under the bridge in the 4 weeks since then. The 4th of July’s Full Moon was the most extreme point in some very high pressure weeks on the work front and it’s only as the Moon returns that you’re likely to appreciate just how much this managed to flush out and bring to a head. What is striking about the Moon’s return is the lack of pressure and tension this highlights. It’s time to stop looking out for the next challenge that might never come and instead focus on Pluto’s final weeks in retrograde motion and the chance this gives you to work behind the scenes.
Venus’ epic 4 month visit to your career sector is finally coming to an end and as she spends her last full week she’s urging you to listen to your heart, knowing that it’s your professional desires that keep you on track over the course of the coming year. With Jupiter staying here until June 2013 turning desires into reality won’t be a problem, so long as you know what you want, which is where Venus comes in. In order to help her Venus has called in the big guns, with a Full Moon in your work sector on Thursday not only likely to bring things on the work front to a head or to a tipping or turning point, but to bring a reminder of the hopes, dreams and aspirations you moved into the year with. Define your bottom lines but in terms of what’s possible, the sky needs to be the limit.
Enjoy the relatively quiet week on the professional front this week, making the most of a chance to tidy things up on the work front before new developments on the career front kick in next week. With Neptune and Chiron the only planets active in either of your professional houses this week, both in retrograde motion in your work sector, there is nothing to be gained by pushing things. The Moon’s return to your work sector on Saturday even gives you a chance to engage your imagination, listen to your instincts and take time out to hear yourself think. This gives you a chance to quietly let things settle, for once Venus returns to your career sector next week, it will be all go. Due to take off from where the Sun and Mercury left off, it’s okay to leave things hanging until then.
After aligning in your career sector over the weekend the Sun and Mercury are already going their separate ways, but like a bell that can’t be unrung their foresight and hindsight, as well as intellectual savvy and objectivity, have come together to give you a clear sense of where you’ve been and where you’re going. With Mercury in retrograde motion and the Sun in direct motion, Mercury is now crossing the same ground the Sun passed over last week and the Sun is crossing the same ground Mercury passed over last week, with a lot of things likely to fall into perspective. This is Mercury’s last week in retrograde motion and with Uranus in retrograde motion in your work sector, as much as you need to keep your eye on the road ahead, the rear view mirror holds the most vital information.
While you have reached a quiet patch on the professional front it is just that, a patch, giving you a chance to take care of any housekeeping and maintenance before heading out to sea again. With the Sun returning to your career sector on the 23rd August and the South Node to your work sector on the 30th August, it won’t be long before things heat up again, but in the meantime you have a chance to recover from a very busy first half of the year and to assimilate all that you’ve learned. Even the Moon will stay clear of both your professional houses this week, leaving you on your own to process and play things in your own way and in your own time. However, the Moon will make a visit to your income sector mid week, giving you a nose for money and a chance to check you’re on track.
While Venus is spending her last full week in your work sector Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos is moving into his final weeks in your career sector, with a new sense of urgency setting in. On both fronts there are more powerful forces that will keep things in play long after Venus and Mars move on, but these are the planets that are here to point things in the right direction. On the work front it’s all about listening to and following your heart, while on the career front as a whole it’s about paying attention to what inspires your professional passions and your fighting spirit. Thursday’s Full Moon in your income sector is likely to provide motivation on both the work and career fronts, especially as it’s likely to bring things to a head or to a tipping or turning point.
Make the most of what is not only the last week of 2012 where you’ll have no cosmic activity in either of your professional houses, with the Moon even staying away from both, but the last week until December 2014, nearly 2 ½ years away. That’s how long you’ll have to wait before you have a chance to take your professional hat off and step back in the way you can now and both get your bearings but also take care of any housekeeping that will see things running smoothly in the future. It’s Venus’ return to your work sector next week that will kick things off, but Mars’ return to your career sector on the 24th August that cements this in place. Until then continue to keep your options open, heeding any wake up calls the Sun delivered during his recent visit to your work sector.
After aligning in your work sector on Sunday, the Sun and Mercury are only just starting to move apart as you move into the new week, having temporarily put the past and future on the same page. With Mercury in retrograde motion and the Sun in direct motion, one is giving you a chance to look out through the rear view mirror while the other has your focus on the road ahead. When they came together this gave you a clear and accurate sense of where you’ve been and where you’re going, at a time when the door is still open to second chances and a New Moon that will open the door to new beginnings is still a few weeks away. As Mercury spends his last full week in retrograde motion he’s keeping the handbrake on, making it important not to rush, push or force things before their time. – Freepsychicnetwork