Business Horoscope July 23 to July 29

As you move into the new week it’s a month to the day before the Sun is due to return to your work sector, for what is your normal annual quota of planetary support. The fact that Mars has already spent nearly 8 months in your work sector and only left on the 4th July will not take away from your normal annual quota, with the support you’ve received until now all bonus time. It was the Moon’s return to your work sector on Sunday and his position here until Tuesday that gives you a chance to look back on how far you’ve come, learning from the past, but also to look ahead to the next steps. This is the Moon’s first visit to your work sector since Mars left and with one chapter behind you and another just up ahead it’s important to pause and consider your options.
The Moon returns to your work sector on Tuesday, for what is his first visit since Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos returned on the 4th July. It’s the Moon’s alignment with Mars on Wednesday and Saturn on Thursday that allows you to create an intuitive bridge between the two planets that have the power to completely transform things. It will be another month before Mars and Saturn align, but it’s by tapping into Mars’ passions and fighting spirit and Saturn’s determination and stickability now, that you’re able to start merging them into one. This gives you an intuitive read on both the here and now and the big picture, getting a read on what you want to accomplish and how to begin the process. It all comes down to keeping your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground.
With Mars not returning to your work sector until the 24th August you have a few more weeks to pace yourself, before life not only becomes a lot busier but threatens to stay that way for the foreseeable future. For while Mars himself will only stay for 6 weeks it’s what happens while he’s here that will change everything, setting in motion some of the biggest forces to play out on the work front in 3 decades. It’s the Moon’s visit to your work sector between Thursday and Saturday that gives you a chance to start getting your bearings, making it important to listen to your instincts and hunches. This is the Moon’s last visit to your work sector where he’s the only voice in your ear until early 2014, making it important to keep your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground.
The Sun’s return to your income sector over the weekend is set to have a big impact on your professional focus and attitudes over the coming weeks, as both he and Mercury build strong relationships with forces on the work and career fronts. Your income, career and work sectors share a common link and when the conditions are ideal, forces on one front can generate momentum on the other, so long as there are cosmic forces in play. That’s the case at the moment and while there are cosmic forces in play on the work, career and income fronts, it’s forces on the income front that are acting as the trigger or driving force. The more you can focus on bringing your income situation up to speed, the more conditions on the work and career fronts will naturally follow.
You have a fairly quiet professional week on your hands, but considering the ups and downs of the last 2 months that’s exactly what you need. With Pluto now a near permanent resident in your work sector things will never quite go off the boil, but what you can do without is the work pressures that have been in the extreme range for too long. With the majority of the road bumps behind you you’re able to look back at where any pressure was coming from and what you’re able to learn from that. In the meantime you have a chance to get your bearings on the income front, with a nose for money in the early days of the week providing clues on how to monetise what is already in motion and to pick up some new lucrative leads to follow. Your professional year still has a surprise or two up its sleeve.
Venus reaches another milestone in her epic 4 month visit to your career sector on Wednesday, one that reveals she has just 2 weeks to go before finally leaving. Normally spending just 4 weeks in your career sector each year, Venus is charged with defining your professional desires and expectations and this is something she does annually, making sure that you don’t stagnate. However, this is no ordinary year on the professional front and with Jupiter, planet of luck and expansion still in the early months of his 12 month visit aimed at expanding your professional options and reality it’s no wonder Venus has had to go into overtime. In Venus’ final weeks it’s all about listening to your heart and pointing things in the direction you want them to continue.
The Sun’s departure from your career sector on Sunday means that things may ease back on the professional front this week and after some work pressure late last week, this is going to feel like a good thing. The fact that things won’t feel finished and that there is still more to come will eliminate any urgent need to tie up loose ends or bring things home, sensing that this is just a temporary reprieve. If you’re left with a lot of options on the table but no real sense of what you want to pursue, then you’re exactly where you need to be. With Venus not returning to your career sector until the 8th August your heart, your professional desires and the laws of attraction have yet to kick in. Until they do continue to keep your mind and your options open.
As you move into the new week it’s going to feel like the lights have suddenly gone on and that where things were moving at a crawl or not at all, that you’ve suddenly got a green light. Until now, with Mercury in retrograde motion in your career sector and Uranus in retrograde motion in your work sector your focus has been on the past, on working behind the scenes and the momentum has been restricted. While the door will remain open to second chances and a chance to work back at the drawing board on both the work and career fronts, the Sun’s return to your career sector over the weekend shifts at least part of the focus to the road ahead. With the Sun in direct and Mercury in retrograde motion you have hindsight and foresight to draw on and they’ll both get sharper as the week progresses.
With no planetary activity in either of your professional houses at the moment, it’s a real bonus to be able to move into the new week with the Moon already in your career sector. While the Moon will leave on Tuesday this gives you an edge that you’ll retain all week, ensuring that from the get go your professional instincts are sharp and that you have your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground. This is the Moon’s first visit to your career sector since Mars left earlier in the month and with the Sun just a month away it gives you something to hold onto. While things have eased back on the professional front they are destined to heat up again, making it important to hold onto the clues, hunches and insights the Moon leaves you with.
While the Moon visits your career sector every 4 weeks, sharpening your professional instincts and providing timely clues and hunches, his return this week is significant for a number of reasons. As well as being the Moon’s first visit to your career sector since Mars returned earlier in the month, it’s also his last visit before Venus leaves your work sector, early next month. The Moon gives you an intuitive insight into the dynamics at play on the professional front and as he moves through your career sector, from Tuesday to Thursday, this is going to reveal not only how well placed you are, but a new sense of urgency. After aligning with Mars on Wednesday and Saturn on Thursday the Moon will leave you with a clear sense of what’s needed to get things started and maintain your momentum.
From the Sun’s departure from your work sector on Sunday and Venus’ return early next month is a period of just 17 days, giving you a chance to take your professional hat off and let things settle. As you move into the new week the Sun has only just left and while things may appear to have gone flat, this is nothing more than a chance to catch your breath. What you can’t know is that these 17 days are the only days with no planetary activity in either of your professional houses between now and December 2014. Until now what you’ve had is just the warm up act, for when professional forces swing into action next month it will be in an extreme way. Listen to your professional instincts and hunches during the Moon’s visit to your career sector, from Thursday to Saturday.
As you move into the new working week you have an edge and an advantage from the get go, as well as a chance for a fresh start. For after returning to your work sector on Sunday, Monday is the Sun’s first full day in your work sector and with the solar spotlight turned onto your work situation, all of a sudden you are likely to make a lot more sense. With Mercury already in your work sector but in retrograde motion, this gives you both foresight and hindsight to work with, giving you a much clearer sense of where you’ve been and where you’re going. It’s not only that you have the Sun and Mercury in your work sector that is likely to cause a boost in confidence and the realisation of how many options you have, but the connections they’re forming to forces on the income and career fronts. – Freepsychicnetwork