Business Horoscope

Business Horoscope July 16 to July 22

Aries HoroscopeAries

With no more professional urgency and with a chance to catch your breath before the Sun returns to your work sector later next month, you have a chance to pace yourself, work behind the scenes and take care of any housekeeping. With Pluto now the only planet active in either of your professional houses in retrograde motion in your career sector, there is nothing to be gained by pushing things. Part of the housekeeping package may mean taking care of some work/life balance issues, with the Moon’s return to your home and family sector ahead of Thursday’s New Moon putting him in opposition with Pluto. As a New Moon this may pack more punch, but in essence this is the wakeup call you get each month, but is the first chance you’ve had since things eased back to actually make some progress.

Taurus HoroscopeTaurus

You have a bit of a mixed bag in play on the work front this week, but it all revolves around Mars, even though you have Saturn in your work sector as well. What you have is the right mix of ups and downs to keep the warrior planet of the cosmos happy, with support from Jupiter in your income sector dominating the first 3 days of the week, before pressure from Uranus kicks in on Thursday. Mars is most effective when your passions and your fighting spirit is engaged and this week provides the right mix of confidence, on both the work and income fronts and the right amount of pressure. Uranus’ alignment is likely to challenge old fears, excuses and mental attitudes, challenging how realistic they are and where they might be holding you back, as well as confirming what you’re fighting for.

Gemini HoroscopeGemini

It’s while things are easing back on the professional front that you have a chance to focus more on the money and with a New Moon in your income sector on Thursday, this gives you a chance to put your professional and income objectives on the same page. With a lot of your overall career objectives already banked and new doors not opening on the work front until next month, this gives you a chance to work behind the scenes and take care of any housekeeping. With Neptune and Chiron, the only two planets currently active on the professional front both in retrograde motion in your career sector, there is nothing to be gained by pushing things. Taking care of any housekeeping this week means addressing income matters and over the weekend addressing any work/life balance issues.

Cancer HoroscopeCancer

After Uranus, planet of surprise and synchronicity turned retrograde in your career sector late last week, his first week in retrograde motion is likely to be a slow one, which is exactly what you need. With the North Node in your work sector there are hidden forces at work that make it very hard to drift off course or to lose your way, so long as you continue to use and trust your internal compass you’re not going to lose your edge and momentum if you slack off a little. With Uranus in his first week in retrograde motion in your career sector and Mercury in his first week in retrograde motion in your income sector, this gives you a chance to pull right back, work behind the scenes and back at the drawing board, with hindsight now becoming a valuable tool in your tool belt.

Leo HoroscopeLeo

The Moon only left your career sector over the weekend, allowing you to move into the new week with your professional instincts still sharp, your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground. With no more planetary activity in your career sector and none due until April 2013, these monthly visits are all you have to ensure that you’re on track and that you’re still tapping into the huge momentum already in play. With Pluto, the only planet now active in either of your professional houses in retrograde motion in your work sector it’s now more about pacing yourself and working behind the scenes. If there is any work pressure this week it’s likely to come midweek, with the Moon simply bringing some timely wake up call, making sure you’re not asleep at the wheel.

Virgo HoroscopeVirgo

From the get go this is a week that needs to be grabbed with both hands, daring to believe what your heart and instincts are telling you. You’ll move into the new week with the Moon already in your career sector, but it’s an alignment between the Moon and Venus on Monday that will put your professional instincts and desires on the same page, allowing you to draw a new line in the sand. During Venus’ epic 4 month visit to your career sector this is her fourth and final alignment with the Moon and due to leave early next month, this marks your progression into the final stage. This is far from the end of the story itself, with Jupiter remaining in your career sector until June 2013, but it’s the end game when it comes to defining what you want and where to from here.

Libra HoroscopeLibra

This is an important but not a deciding week on the career front, for that will come later. There should be more urgency, especially during a New Moon in your career sector on Thursday. Even the Moon’s visit to your career sector from Tuesday to Thursday and the New Moon this will create won’t bring any urgent need to tie up loose ends, despite the fact the Sun is not only leaving your career sector on Sunday, but leaving it empty. While this is a week for having your eyes open, your head out of the sand and during the Moon’s visit especially, your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground, this is far from the end of the story. With Venus not returning to your career sector until early next month it’s your heart and professional desires that will eventually have the final say.

Scorpio HoroscopeScorpio

If it feels like things have become stuck as you move into the new week they have, but it’s more a case of a purposeful stall. After Uranus turned retrograde in your work sector late last week and Mercury in your career sector on Sunday, this has bought both planets active in your two professional houses to a standstill. While things may be stalled your focus has shifted to the past and in retrograde motion this gives you a new sense of hindsight to draw on, on both the work and career fronts. With the Sun returning to your career sector at the very end of the week, which will have more of an influence on the early days of next week, the future will soon call your attention back. Until next week keep things on the down low, spending a lot more time looking through the rear view mirror.

Sagittarius HoroscopeSagittarius

The early and later hours of the week are the most professionally charged and as it’s because of the Moon in both instances, allowing you to begin and end the week with your professional instincts sharp. The Moon only left your work sector on Sunday, so while he’s already gone as you move into the new week your instincts will still be engaged and your imagination inspired. With no more planetary activity in either of your professional houses until the Sun returns to your career sector later next month, the Moon’s monthly visits are crucial. After his visit to your work sector the Moon will let things settle until returning to your career sector on Sunday, with his first visit since Mars left all about sharpening your professional instincts and ensuring that you’re on track.

Capricorn HoroscopeCapricorn

Bearing in mind that you are already into one of the most powerful professional phases in decades, even taking that into account this is a very professionally charged week and one where things are likely to not only firm up considerably on the work and career fronts but the link between the two will strengthen. You begin the week with the Moon and Venus aligned in your work sector, for the fourth time in as many weeks but also for the last time before Venus leaves early next month. Monday is also the day that Jupiter and Mars forge a strong working relationship between your work and career sector that will dominate the first half of the week, peaking on Wednesday. However, this does come at a price, with some work/life balance issues that might need to be addressed.

Weekly Aquarius HoroscopeAquarius

Right now you’re getting a small taste of things to come, with the Sun’s annual visit to your work sector doing the bare minimum required to keep things on track and updated for the year. On his own and due to leave your work sector on Sunday, even a New Moon on Thursday is unlikely to evoke the ‘all or nothing’ response of the past, as you continue to realise that life can’t be a case of all work and no play. Right now this is working for you so it needs to be encouraged, especially as your heart’s not in it yet and won’t be until Venus returns to your work sector early next month. This allows you to pace yourself and let things unfold naturally with what is now a fairly slow work in progress taking off dramatically next month, especially on the career front.

Pisces HoroscopePisces

As you move into the new week you’ll face an amber light, with a need to approach things slowly and with caution, especially on the work front. For after turning retrograde on Sunday, Monday is Mercury’s first full day in retrograde motion and is also the first full day of a 3 week Mercury retrograde period. Mercury retrograde periods are notorious for mistakes, misunderstandings and mishaps, but these can not only be avoided but turned into opportunities, especially when it comes to second chances, by obeying some basic rules and it’s all to do with speed. While things will eventually speed up again, especially once the Sun returns on Sunday, the rules with a Mercury retrograde phase are to proceed slowly, drive to the conditions and at all times measure twice and cut once. – Freepsychicnetwork

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