Business Horoscope January 30 to February 05

Weekly Aries Horoscope:
A combination of Mercury’s departure from your career sector over the weekend and Mars’ retrograde turn in your work sector last week may have taken the wind out of your sails, with the professional ebb slowing down considerably. However, all is not what it seems and while there is no doubt that things have slowed down, it’s a case of necessarily so. Mercury’s departure from your career sector wrapped up an active and defining 2 months, with a chance now to let things settle and for you to process things, with Pluto staying on to keep things in motion. With Mars spending his first full week in retrograde motion in your work sector he’s at a standstill, putting the brakes on, giving you a chance to get your bearings before old doors begin to open. Don’t try and push through any blocks.
Weekly Taurus Horoscope:
Mercury’s return to your career sector over the weekend and his first full week here would have been an advantage in any week, giving you the intellectual savvy to think on your feet and play your A game. However, this isn’t just any week and is instead a major week on both the career and work fronts, when the ability to think on your feet is most needed. At the same time that Saturn is spending his last full week in direct motion in your work sector, calling for a slow and steady approach Neptune, planet of dreams and fantasies is in his final days in your career sector before leaving on Saturday. As Neptune won’t return to your career sector in your lifetime Mercury, along with the Sun, is here to begin the process of turning Neptune’s professional dreams into a sustainable game plan.
Weekly Gemini Horoscope:
When the Moon left your career sector over the weekend he left your imagination engaged and the professional instincts to move into the new week with a professional edge. Hold onto this and the professional desires Venus is evoking during her last full week in your career sector. With her only encounter with the Moon behind you, focus on bringing your professional instincts and desires together. While Venus will leave your career sector next week the professional desires she’s evoking are unlikely to fade as they may have in previous years, with Neptune’s return on Saturday guaranteeing that. Once Neptune returns he’s here until 2026, kicking off a powerful new chapter. Prepare for this by working with your professional instincts and desires and dealing with any work/life balance issues.
Weekly Cancer Horoscope:
While you will move into the new week with the Moon in your career sector, giving you the professional instincts and clues this leaves you with without keeping your professional hat on all week. This is important, for with Venus returning to your career sector next week, opening the door to the 3 busiest and most active professional months of the year, taking time out to recharge your batteries is a must. You need to be ready to open the door to this new professional chapter refreshed, ready for a new challenge and up for anything that your professional game throws at you. As the Moon wraps up his last visit to your career sector before Venus turns, take the insight gained and slowly, in your own time, unwrap the messages left behind and start lining up in front of new doors.
Weekly Leo Horoscope:
Mercury’s departure from your work sector over the weekend has done a number of things, but diminishing the professional momentum isn’t one of them. On one hand this has brought an active 2 months on the work front to an end, one that began with Venus’ return on the 27th November, of defining your objectives, where things stand and how to work smarter. On the other hand while Pluto is staying behind to keep things in motion, this will see your professional focus shift away from your work situation and onto your career situation as a whole. To help make that shift the Moon will return to your career sector on Monday, sharpening your professional instincts and providing the doors and insights needed to start lining up in front of new doors, before they are even unlocked let alone opened.
Weekly Virgo Horoscope:
Mercury’s return to your work sector over the weekend has put even more focus on your work situation, making you a lot more mentally focused, able to work smarter and more objectively, but it also marks the beginning of the end of a journey that began 14 years ago. Mercury will only spend 17 days in your work sector, but his return just as Neptune, planet of dreams and fantasies moves into his final days gives you a chance to start developing a game plan, for both the short and long term and the tools to make any important choices, decisions and plans. Neptune is leaving your work sector on Saturday and not due to return in your lifetime this is the end of an era that began in January 1998. Along with the Sun, Mercury is here to help you tie up loose ends, before new doors open.
Weekly Libra Horoscope:
Move into your new professional week with a conscious decision to leave your thinking cap on its hook, refusing to over think things and instead to listen exclusively to your heart and your imagination. When it comes to walking the talk you’ll need to live in the real world and when that time comes you’ll have the resources to think on your feet, work smarter and make some strategic choices and decisions. However that time hasn’t come and won’t until mid February, with this week all about the ‘what’ rather than the ‘when, where or how’. For this is Venus, planet of desire and attraction’s last full week in your work sector and due to be joined by Neptune, planet of dreams and fantasies on Saturday, this is all about finding a star to hitch your dreams to.
Weekly Scorpio Horoscope:
Move into the new week with your antennas up, listening to your instincts and making sure that you have your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground, but no more. For while you’ll move into the week with the Moon in your work sector he’ll leave on Monday, leaving you with some valuable clues and hunches you need time to mull over, in what is the last week you have before things really kick off. With a Full Moon in your career sector next Wednesday, on the same day that the 3 busiest months on the work front kick off, life is about to become a lot busier. Use the relative calm this week to spend time at the drawing board and getting your life running as smoothly as possible, so that when you do put your work hat on you’re ready to give things your full and undivided attention.
Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope:
Mars’ retrograde turn in your career sector last week and his first full week in retrograde motion is calling for a slow and steady approach and still at a near standstill a need to avoid pushing or rushing things, on the career front at least. On the work front a very different story is immerging, with the Moon’s return to your work sector on Monday revealing how much traction and momentum has been gained since his last visit, in the early days of the year. When the Moon returned to your work sector in early January it was just days after Jupiter turned direct and was more about giving you a chance to get your bearings. Now 4 weeks on the Moon has returned and as he aligns with Jupiter on Tuesday the focus is on getting things moving and up to speed.
Weekly Capricorn Horoscope:
For months now Saturn has dominated your professional situation, becoming stronger and more empowered as he moved through your career sector and closer to an alliance with Neptune in your income sector. That alliance is still strong but as Saturn spends his last full week in direct motion in your career sector he’s coming to a standstill, with your ruling planet due to turn retrograde next week. This is likely to see things on the career front as a whole slow down, not because they’re becoming stuck but because you’ve gone as far as you can for now, with a chance soon to regroup and spend time back at the drawing board. This is giving your work situation a chance to make a change, with the Moon’s move through your work sector from Thursday to Saturday providing clues on where to from here.
Weekly Aquarius Horoscope:
As much as you may want to get your professional year moving faster than it is, it will move when it’s ready to. With no planetary activity in either your professional houses you may be on your own but this leaves you free to explore your options. The Sun only left your career sector in November so you still have a lot to work on, with a need to focus on the cards already on the table and the resources you already have to tap into. This is likely to be a topsy turvy week, where you may find it hard to get your professional groove on during the week, only to find it hard to take your professional hat off over the weekend. You can control the timing of the stars, with the Moon’s return to your work sector on Saturday giving you a chance to pick up on some valuable clues.
Weekly Pisces Horoscope:
Since Mercury left your career sector on the 8th January it’s been more about staying on track, with a natural current moving things in the right direction. Your biggest problem at the moment is that you can’t control the speed or direction that current is moving on and you have to trust that it’s taking you in the right direction. With new doors about to open on the income front next week, instead of trying to push things on the professional front, start looking more at where the money is. With a Full Moon in your work sector next Wednesday, the same day that Venus returns to your income sector you’re approaching a crossroads, with a need to keep your mind and your options open until then. Focus this week on finding the right stride and sticking to it. – freepsychicnetwork