Business Horoscope December 22 – January 19

Weekly Capricom Horoscope:

From Tuesday, December 22 2011 – 12:00am
To Saturday, January 19 2011 – 11:59pm

This Tuesday is a lucky day in many ways.  An old debt is paid off and misunderstandings–problems or puzzles–have a way of becoming clear. More than one person will seek your advice about sensitive matters this Wednesday afternoon so, weather permitting, move on outside for a bit of exercise, if possible. You can demonstrate great understanding and sensitivity to the needs of others–this afternoon and evening belong especially to you–relax. Personal wealth is bound to be increased this Thursday. Keep informed of the news in the evening; something that is in or near your community will be worth your attention. You may gain momentum as this Friday moves forward; anything is possible and you have things to do and places to see. There is a lot of optimism and speculating. This Saturday you may find that you have been chosen or volunteered as a guide for someone or several people that do not come to your town very often. Smile–this may be an opportunity to grow professionally. Someone may want to invest in real estate. This is generally a fruitful period for real estate investments.

Weekly Sagittarius Horoscope:

Your communication skills are energized this Tuesday morning. Your timing should be perfectand those around you should find your responses are lively. Doing something nice for aloved one makes you feel good about yourself this evening. Someone may need your advice this Wednesday regarding a problem at work. You seem to enjoy helping others. There is a lot of energy available this Thursday for accomplishing just about anything you want to achieve. This energy can cause you to be a bit impatient with others, however. Be aware of your response to others and try to think before you speak. You put forth much effort, particularly regarding your career this Friday. You are good at creating a harmonious work environment. You may appear very tranquil this Saturday morning. Everything seems to be working together and you may find yourself expressive and able to communicate well. In-depth discussions and probing conversations find you at your mental best. Your analytical abilities are high. This afternoon you could find yourself in hobby stores buying parts, games or gifts.

Weekly Pisces Horoscope:

Ambition and achievement can be a tough path to follow. You win reward, recognition and authority through hard work and knowing the score. This Tuesday could be a time of developing ideas for working out of your home. You have a deep yearning to express your talents and may feel that you are held back. You have a boundless amount of optimism with irrepressible energy. Be as self-confident and assertive as you like this Wednesday, because you are going to get what you want in this life. You are a very attractive and inspiring person–luck and determination is on your side. If you are not in business for yourself this Thursday, it is certainly a time to consider such a venture. Letters and phone calls should bring excellent news this afternoon, especially from your family members. This Friday is the day to start new projects or push forward with those already in motion. Contemplating what you have heard this Saturday and understanding that there may be more to the story will get you happily through the day. Dispute what you hear too soon, and the truth could be lost as well as a real understanding of a difficult individual.

Weekly Aquarius Horoscope:

You will be dealing with facts and figures throughout most of this Tuesday. Your ability to manage and supervise people plus a built-in sense of responsibility makes you a unique character. As an early riser, you have probably already run several miles before your workday begins. This is beneficial to you, particularly this Wednesday as you greet the day with a feeling of success. If you have been troubled by affairs of the heart, you will see more clearly this Thursday morning. This is also a very good day for job-related events. You may shine in your particular job or find that a promotion could very soon be apossibility. You cannot do anything you do not KNOW you can do, so believe and dare to make it happen. This Friday would make a good day to start. This Saturday you may be put in charge of the children or the yard work or some other chore that does not make up your day but this may call for a fair exchange and you are ready to help. General good feelings and a sense of support creates a happy time. If the weather is good, consider grilling the evening meal.

Weekly Aries horoscope:

This Tuesday there is a yearning for adventure and far horizons. To roam, to wander and wonder; seeking freedom and experience and to go where no one has gone before. Tonight is for family. Your self-confidence is high and you feel the warm urges of ambition this Wednesday. Outer circumstances are favorable. Thursday is a great time to be with others and to work in a team effort. You may be sought after as the right person to lead a group. There are all sorts of doors of opportunity opening up for you now. The comforts in your life are improving. You may enjoy getting away from this busy activity after work this afternoon. You will be at your happiest in a career that affords you the ability to investigate, inquire, research and conclude. Most of this Friday is soaked in communication, making the right connections and setting up appointments. Check your anxieties at the door and come into a room with your good attitude this Saturday. Taking care of any business you had previously postponed is an important step in completing important business this week.

Weekly Taurus Horoscope:

You are valued for your ability to make sensible decisions concerning group issues. Fairness is always an issue when there are so many personalities involved; you seem to do very well in creating a good balance this Tuesday. Your self-confidence is strong and you feel the nudge from somewhere this Wednesday that says it is time for you to make yourself known in the workplace. This is the day you speak up and make yourself known. You may find that unusual things happen in the workplace this Thursday, but it is just the thing that may strengthen your standing. Communicating with others and making yourself clearly understood is always important but particularly today. You are willing to lend a helping hand this Friday where others would not want to become involved. This can be a beneficial time in that many people look to you for answers. Visitors in your home this Saturday may compliment you on your tastes or belongings. You find yourself other-oriented just now, with many thoughts and ideas for a partnership or a love situation rather than doing things alone.

Weekly Gemini Horoscope:

This Tuesday is a time for new accomplishments, during which insights and new goals can be
made. You discover new ideas and new ways to do and use things. Wednesday is a very good day for job-related events. You could represent or speak for your company or communicate about your skills. Things are happening and your career or path depends on your own ambition and drive, which is strong now. New goals for the future have become clear this Thursday. You are in touch with your own ideals and where your focus is in your life at this time. You seem more confident and your communications to others show much strength. Your professional life seems to be running in a smooth manner. This Friday, you are in touch with people that are far away. This long-distance communication satisfies an intellectual and spiritual yearning that lifts your spirits. You work to encourage confidence within the family group this Saturday. Attention to matters of health come up today and you may decide to begin an exercise program–perhaps with a loved one. Early morning walks are a good thing.

Weekly Cancer Horoscope:

This Tuesday, a business decision hinges on financial matters that are not entirely within your control, but will need your thoughts–speak up when you have helpful ideas. There are exciting opportunities as a result of today?s transactions. This Wednesday afternoon you will find your mind turning away from the external or the material, to become more concerned with spiritual ideas. All of this will become clear soon. Hard work is the focus for this hursday. By the end of work, you feel quite pleased with yourself for all you have accomplished. You are very focused on your career and finances lately and that is a good thing. You communicate very well and it is stimulating just being with you this Friday. Your high degree of mental concentration makes you an excellent student, able to excel in speaking, writing and all types of communication skills. Creativity and time to create are important for you this Saturday. You may find yourself leaving things undone around your living area so that you can complete a craft or art project this afternoon. Your attention may be focused on animals later. Music fills your home this evening.

Weekly Leo Horoscope:

Your practical insights are preferred in the workplace this Tuesday and you will find that you somehow always have a following of people that either want to learn from you or use your intellect. This would be a wise talent to use in the steps up the corporate ladder. You are an action person who gains the attention of others and seems to get things moving this wednesday. The circumstances of your life suggest extroversion. Self-discipline is an important issue in your life now as that is what stabilizes your work, as well as your relationships. A complicated, difficult situation this Thursday demands commitment and you are willing to follow through with whatever is before you now. There is a feeling of being at peace and stable on the emotional level. You can change a situation this Friday by changing the way you perceive it. Careful, others will follow your lead. This Saturday afternoon you can relax and just sit back and enjoy what you have–to live life. Your desires are strong and you will want to enjoy yourself this evening. There is a basic drive to appreciate and taste life.

Weekly Virgo Horoscope:

If you have always been the follower, you may find yourself a leader this Tuesday. As a leader, you could appoint a co-leader to help you plan and coordinate. Radical and inventive ideas hold the key to realizing your ambitions and advancing your status–a shake-up could be in the works. On Wednesday, the key to your career involves attending to nagging details. You could talk someone out of a lawsuit this morning. Events may make it easy for you to be original, have breakthroughs and find new solutions to old problems this Thursday. You may find yourself able to put your ideas into practice. You may be having new  thoughts and sudden insights this Friday. You will receive an unexpected boost in the way you think, speak or write. Communications are accented and connections of all kinds, news, etc., are furthered. Your grasp for many subjects and ideas help you to convey important messages to others this Saturday, particularly when no one else can succeed. Your value system may receive a challenge from a new independent streak that wants to break away and try new things.

Weekly Libra Horoscope:

This Tuesday could be a time when everything around you seems to be in a state of change–your living situation particularly. You may feel that you are forever keeping the peace among family members and this would be a good time to find an evening in the schedule when everyone will be home. Skim a little off the top of your paycheck for a rainy day. Some earnings may slip too easily through your fingers. How about a budget? At least give it a consideration this Wednesday. This Thursday is the time to make that outward push and ride the crest of the wave into fame and fortune. It will be hard for you to do wrong, for all the cycles are working in your favor. This is also a time when you may marry or take on a new role in the community. There is a feeling this Friday that anything is possible and you are determined to set your goals high. Optimism, faith and a tendency to take chances at the deepest emotional levels are present. A new job, a vacation, renewing an old relationship or bringing a new relationship into your life may be the trigger that brings you to this emotional high. You have a great social drive and love to work in a group or with close friends but this Saturday afternoon you may prefer to spend some times with your loved ones and family members. Games and some sort of sports activity would not be an unusual activity for you and your loved ones together.

Weekly Scorpio Horoscope:

Partnership issues are important and this Tuesday you will be successful in finding gentle ways to communicate just what you mean; think before you act. Your communication skills are at a high-water mark this Wednesday. You could teach better business techniques to executives as well as those that choose to stay at home to work or run a family. Consider teaching your techniques at a junior college this next year. This Thursday is a day of great mental activity and heightened communication with others. Intellectualism, the exchange of ideas and the idea of being smart as a fox have a special appeal and importance. Friday may be a restless time that could find you trying new and unexpected ideas at the expense of the status quo–especially your career. This could mean working overtime. You possess, at your center, an intensity that burns through any inconsistency, searching for opportunities this Saturday to understand the world and all of the many secrets therein is a search you love to perform. This may mean you listen to a special radio show or you read particular books about space travel, time, underwater living, etc.