Business Horoscope August 26 to September 01

Your Business Horoscope looks at your business potential for the week ahead. Wondering whether a new business opportunity is going to come your way? How are your job prospects shaping up? Select your Sun Sign from the list below to view your Horoscope.
As the Sun and Mercury spend their first week in your work sector, after returning late last week, it is going to feel like you’re finally back in the game and back in the zone. For this comes just as work/life balance tension and professional tensions as a whole are not only easing back, but a general sense of confidence is returning. While there may be some work tension this week, it is simply some setting in issues and with the blood starting to circulate, it’s more a case of pins and needles as you get back into the game. What will help turn any work tension into motivation is the Moon’s return to your income sector in the early days of the week and not only the nose for money this provides, but a better sense of deeper work, income and business forces building behind the scenes.
During the 25 days that Venus will spend in your work sector, trailblazing for the planets that will follow behind her and while she’s on a mission to establish what you do and don’t want on the work front, she has only one real challenge or obstacle to face and you’re right in the heart of that as you move into the new week. Venus can’t return to your work sector each year without moving into opposition with Uranus in an intuitive and imaginative part of your chart, challenging old perceptions and attitudes, yet in the process also triggering some Eureka moments. Things will improve dramatically midweek, when just as tensions start to drop and the benefits start to reveal themselves, the Moon’s return to your income sector will bring a timely nose for money.
Hold onto the professional instincts, clues and hunches gained from the Moon’s visit to your business sector last week, for it was his last visit before next month’s Full Moon and before Venus returns to your work sector in just a few weeks time. This will also make it harder to sweat the small stuff or to get too hung up in the work/life balance issues that could come to a head this week, allowing you to see this as a welcome reminder. For when Venus returns to your work sector on the 11th September she’ll return just as major forces building behind the scenes will come together, with some very busy weeks and months stretching out in front of you. Anything you can do to address any work/life balance issues now will help you in the long run, with a chance to take care of any housekeeping.
As you move into the new week the Moon is just leaving your business sector and while he’ll leave too soon to have any real impact on the week, with his main influence having been felt over the weekend, this will ensure your professional instincts are sharp, while leaving you with valuable clues, hunches and insights to process. To start with this might be a mixed blessing, for it comes just as Venus and Uranus’ opposition in the early days of the week could be bringing old work/life balance issues to a head. A combination of still sensitive triggers and the Moon’s emotional responses could make this seem worse than it actually is, but if it gets your attention that has to be a good thing. With Mars returning to your income sector midweek you really do need to be working smarter.
The Moon’s return to your business sector on Monday and position here in the early hours of the week will do far more than simply sharpen your professional instincts and provide some valuable clues, hunches and insights and could be a real life saver. For while having the Moon visit your business sector during the Sun and Mercury’s early days in your income sector will sharpen your professional instincts as new doors open on the income front, it comes when financial tension could be clouding the issue. This allows you to turn any tension into motivation, especially as it’s going to highlight even more powerful forces building behind the scenes on the income, work and business fronts. With Mars returning to your sign midweek it’s time to come out of your corner fighting.
While the Moon’s return to your business sector midweek won’t be as dramatic as last week’s Full Moon in your work sector, it will help tie up loose ends and bring home anything triggered, while at the same time give you a chance to tap back into your overall professional objectives. While Jupiter wrapped up a 12 month visit to your business sector in June and Mars, the planet charged with getting things moving left mid July, not to return until 2015, both have left you with more than enough momentum to keep your professional game on track for months, if not years to come. The Moon’s monthly visits give you a chance to tap back into the source that is keeping things on track, with your professional instincts gaining some valuable clues, especially now new doors are opening on the income front.
Due to leave your business sector on Wednesday, not to return until 2015, a full year after Jupiter’s current professional push is due to run its course next July Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos will be fuelling your professional passions and fighting spirit and evoking as much urgency as possible. This requires that you walk a fine line between embracing enough urgency to gain the most traction possible, but not so much that it creates a false sense of urgency. Chances are Mars is fueling a sense that it’s now a case of all or nothing and of now or never, that if you don’t act now you’ll have missed the boat. Yet by the time the Moon returns to your business sector over the weekend and your professional instincts kick in, this will reveal that this is far from being the case.
While the Moon will leave your work sector in the early hours of the week and even then it’s more the tail end of a visit over the weekend, it’s important to move into the new week with your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground, listening to your instincts and emotional responses, without sweating the small stuff. For this comes just as there may be some work tension, especially early in the week, with some home truths or assumptions being challenged. These are likely to be valid wakeup calls, but nothing more and by midweek, with Mars’ return to your business sector on Wednesday, you’ll have a chance to turn any remaining tension into motivation. Work tension on Monday and Tuesday will also be a reminder of a need to find time to hear yourself think.
The Moon’s return to your work sector on Monday and position here in the early days of the week is more of a blessing than you might think, putting him in the right place at the right time. This will give you an intuitive read and some valuable insight through your emotional responses in the Sun and Mercury’s early days in your business sector and just as some work/life balance issues may be surfacing as a result. What allows you to see through the fog of war and turn any tension into an opportunity to tweak things, is the intuitive read this will give you of what’s building behind the scenes. What is building behind the scenes is powerful work, income and business forces, which are due to come to a head next week, giving you a jump on what is taking shape.
During the 25 days that Venus will spend in your business sector she’ll only face two challenges or roadblocks and as you move into the new week you’re right in the thick of both. The first challenge was an opposition with the Moon, which occurred over the weekend and the second is an opposition with Uranus, in retrograde motion in your home and family sector, which will come to a head in the early days of the week. This is when any work/life balance issues are likely to come to a head, but in both cases this is both a short but also a timely reminder, especially with your professional star on the rise. Any tension should start easing by midweek, with the Moon’s return to your work sector on Wednesday giving you the intuitive edge needed to act on any wakeup calls.
There is a need to play things carefully in the early days of the week, for with Mars in his final days in your work sector before leaving on Wednesday; there is a need to take the urgency, passion and impatience he’s creating seriously, but not too seriously. Mars is likely to be fuelling a sense of urgency that is telling you that it’s now or never or that it’s all or nothing, with the boat about to sail, leaving you behind. This could spiral into a blind panic that isn’t justified, for with lucky Jupiter staying on and not leaving until mid 2014, this is merely a push to get you motivated and aware of what you’re fighting for. By the time the Moon returns to your work sector over the weekend you have a chance to pace yourself, shifting your focus to staying on track.
Where the Sun and Mercury’s departure from your work sector late last week should have brought all the planetary activity for the year to a close, especially with Venus been and gone and that was the case last year, there is likely to be a sense that you’ve got unfinished business or that you haven’t even begun to explore all your options. That’s because you haven’t and rather than winding down for the year, your work options are just warming up, with Mars’ return to your work sector on Wednesday marking the start of the real push. Taking over from where an annual update left off and not due to leave until mid October Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos will bring a new sense of competitiveness into play. You have a chance in the early days of the week to catch
your breath first. – Astrolis