Business Horoscope August 19 to August 25

Venus’ departure from your work sector over the weekend gives you a chance to let things settle before the Sun and Mercury return later in the week, to take over from where she left off. In the meantime, the Moon’s position in your business sector as you move into the new week may appear to be a mixed blessing but is in fact anything but. In the short term this might bring work/life balance issues to a head, just when they appeared to be easing back, but this is one last check to ensure you really do have things balanced. For when the Sun returns to your work sector on Friday and Mercury on Sunday this will mark the start of a busy chapter that won’t run its course until December. The Moon’s wakeup calls and a short lull on the work front is just what you need in order to catch your breath.
The professional drought that you’ve been under since February has not only ended, it’s the proverbial case of when it rains its pours. Since Venus left your business sector in February there has been no planetary activity in either of your professional houses, creating your longest professional lull in 2 decades. That ended over the weekend when Venus returned to your work sector, kicking off a chapter that won’t run its course until mid 2014. Yet the gods have decided that if they’re in for a penny they’re in for a pound, with a second Full Moon in your business sector in as many month’s falling on Wednesday, just 4 days after Venus returned to get things moving on the work front. This is a drought busting professional week, with Venus and the Full Moon finally able to get things moving.
As conditions continue to settle on both the work and business fronts, the real driving force is the money, with Mars’ last full week in your income sector creating a new sense of hunger and urgency. This may have you reconsidering your job options, especially with a hint of change in the air. It’s midweek that you need to have your finger on the pulse and your ear to the ground, with the Moon making an extremely important visit to your business sector. By the time the Moon returns to your business sector on Wednesday and your professional instincts kick in Mars will be just a week away from leaving your income sector, Venus will be just 3 weeks away from your work sector and for the Moon himself this is a practice run ahead of next month’s Full Moon. There is definitely something brewing.
At a time of year when the focus is always on the money, with the Sun in your income sector at this time of year, there is also a call from this week to take work/life balance matters more seriously. With the Sun leaving your income sector on Friday and Mercury on Saturday, but Mars returning next week to take over, a ‘show me the money’ attitude will only grow stronger. Yet at the same time as you’re looking at what’s in it for you financially you’re also starting to look at the actual time and effort put into your professional game and any balance issues that creates. It’s the Moon’s return to your business sector on Friday that creates a mixed blessing, putting your professional instincts and a smart head for money on the same page, but also exacerbating any work/life balance tension.
Moving into the new week with the Moon in your work sector brings a need to do so with your finger on the pulse and ear to the ground, but also to avoid blowing any emotional responses out of proportion. This is the Moon’s first visit to your work sector since the forces that have been creating work tension over recent weeks finally ran their course and in the short term may inflame any remaining tensions. Yet once the Moon leaves on Monday you’ll find tensions ease back, quickly turning into motivation, leaving you with some valuable clues and hunches. The Moon returned to your work sector just hours after Venus left your income sector over the weekend and with the Sun returning on Friday and Mercury on Saturday, this is a chance to put your work and income objectives on the same page.
The Moon’s return to your work sector on Monday was always going to be important, for coming full circle from last month’s Full Moon this is a time for closing the circle, bringing things home and processing what was triggered 4 weeks earlier. However this is no simple catch up and instead is a second Full Moon in its own right, this time in more favourable conditions. Last month the Moon returns just hours before peaking as a Full Moon, giving little time to prepare and with no support. This time, with the Full Moon not peaking until Wednesday you have 2 days to tune in and gradually build up to a tipping or turning point. As well as the hindsight gained from last month’s Full Moon, Venus’ return to your income sector over the weekend brings the support you didn’t have last time around.
First impressions as you move into the new week could be ‘here we go again’, with work/life balance issues that looked like they were easing back once more having flared up. Yet this time it really is a false alarm, for it’s simply the Moon wrapping up a visit to your home and family sector that began over the weekend, putting pressure on Mars before leaving on Monday. This is not only one last reminder of the need for balance, Mars is a planet that responds well to pressure and spending his last full week in your business sector this is going to fuel your professional passions and fighting spirit, just when they need to be. By the time the Moon returns to your work sector on Wednesday, a week to the day before Mars is due to leave your work sector, you’ll be ready to hit your stride.
With the Sun leaving your business sector on Friday and Mercury on Saturday and especially with Venus having already been and gone, moving into the new week should see you moving into the final days of this year’s professional push. Last year this would have been the case, with the Sun, Mercury and Venus the only planets to visit your business sector in 2010, but not this year. Even the fact that the Sun will be confronted by a second Full Moon is anything but the norm, with a need to pay attention to any work/life balance issues this brings to a head midweek. Yet falling just a week before Mars, warrior planet of the cosmos is due to return to your business sector and with a professional push due to accelerate rather than die off, this is a timely reminder of a need to pace yourself.
Venus’ departure from your business sector over the weekend may have temporarily put things on hold, but it gives you a chance to let the professional desires and expectations she’s triggered over the last 4 weeks settle, before you begin the next, more objective and realistic stage. For while Venus was more focused on the ‘what’, giving you a sense of what’s possible and something to aspire to, when the Sun returns to your business sector on Friday and Mercury on Saturday they’ll be more focused on the ‘when, where and how’. The 6 days between Venus’ departure from your business sector on Saturday and the Sun’s return on Friday are the only days between now and December that you’ll have a chance to take your professional hat off, let things settle and get your bearings.
While at the time a professional lull that began when Mars left your work sector on the 14th July may have seemed to have gone on forever, in reality by the time Venus returned to your business sector over the weekend, it had been just under 5 weeks. Even then, this was a valuable chance to let work matters run their course, to work with what was on the table and to let things play out before looking to the next stage and the next step. Yet Venus’ return to your business sector over the weekend has done just that, with your professional desires and expectations already starting to kick in. With Venus knowing what the future holds on the business front some of those desires and expectations require a leap of faith. Venus will also want to capitalise on the midweek Full Moon in your income sector.
Another week and another case of Mondayitis, but this time around it will pass within hours and is more likely to be the last straw, evoking your fighting spirit and a real call for action. For while the major forces that have been creating ongoing work tension have eased back and will continue to ease back dramatically over the coming weeks, the Moon can’t help but put one more dig in, which he will as he moves into opposition with Mars on Monday. The Moon will very quickly move on, but with Mars spending his last full week in your work sector before leaving next Wednesday, this is just what you need in order to evoke your passions and your fighting spirit. What is important is that you take the time to pick your battles wisely, putting your time and energy into the things that matter.
With the Sun leaving your work sector on Friday and Mercury on Saturday there should be a lot more urgency, especially with Venus having already been and gone. Last year the only planets to visit your work sector were the Sun, Mercury and Venus and with all 3 having moved through by Saturday, this should be it, but chances are that’s not how it’s going to feel, because that is far from the case. Not only do you have Ceres here until next Wednesday, making her first visit since 2008, keeping a need for job satisfaction high, she’ll keep things ticking over until Mars returns, just hours later. This will be Mars’ first visit to your work sector since 2011 and once his energy kicks in you’ll recognise that instead of things winding down, they haven’t even begun to reveal what’s possible. – Astrolis